Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Avalon Pipelined Read Master Example Design Requirements

You must carefully design the logic for the control and datapaths of pipelined read masters. The control logic must extend a read cycle whenever the waitrequest signal is asserted. This logic must also control the master address, byteenable, and read signals. To achieve maximum throughput, pipelined read masters should post reads continuously while waitrequest is deasserted. While read is asserted, the address presented to the interconnect is stored.

The datapath logic includes the readdata and readdatavalid signals. If your master can accept data on every clock cycle, you can register the data with the readdatavalid as an enable bit. If your master cannot process a continuous stream of read data, it must buffer the data in a FIFO. The control logic must stop issuing reads when the FIFO reaches a predetermined fill level to prevent FIFO overflow.