Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.5. Adding IP Components to a System

You can quickly add Intel® FPGA IP components to a system from the IP Catalog in Platform Designer. The IP Catalog launches a parameter editor that allows you to specify options and add the component to your system. Your Platform Designer system can contain a single instance of an IP component, or multiple, individually parameterized variations of multiple or the same IP components.

Follow these steps to locate, parameterize, and instantiate an IP component in a Platform Designer system:

  1. To locate a component by name, type some or all of the component’s name in the IP Catalog search box. For example, type memory to locate memory-mapped IP components. You can also find components by category.
    Figure 12.  Platform Designer IP Catalog

  2. Double-click any component to launch the component's parameter editor and specify options for the component.

    For some IP components, you can select and Apply a pre-defined set of parameters values for specific applications from the Presets list.

    Figure 13. Parameter Editor
  3. To complete customization of the IP component, click Finish. The IP component appears in the System View tab.