Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.14.1. Adding Assertion Monitors for Simulation

You can add monitors to Avalon-MM, AXI, and Avalon-ST interfaces in your system to verify protocol and test coverage with a simulator that supports SystemVerilog assertions.
Note: ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition does not support SystemVerilog assertions. If you want to use assertion monitors, you must use a supported third-party simulator. For more information, refer to Introduction to Intel FPGA IP Cores.
Figure 33. Inserting an Avalon-MM Monitor Between an Avalon-MM Master and Slave InterfaceThis example demonstrates the use of a monitor with an Avalon-MM monitor between the pcie_compiler bar1_0_Prefetchable Avalon-MM master interface, and the dma_0 control_port_slave Avalon-MM slave interface.

Similarly, you can insert an Avalon-ST monitor between Avalon-ST source and sink interfaces.