Arria 10 SoC Virtual Platform User Guide

ID 683326
Date 9/16/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.5. Installing and Booting a Pre-Built Linux Kernel

The following steps describe how to boot using the pre-built Linux kernel for the Arria® 10 SoC Virtual Platform provided on

  1. Open a console and go to the directory where your virtual platform is installed:
  2. At the Linux prompt, type the following command to download the Arria® 10 SoC Virtual Platform Linux images:
    wget --no-cache\
  3. Uncompress the tgz file by typing the following command:
    tar xvzf ./linux-arria10swvp-socfpga-3.10-ltsi-angstrom-v2014.12.tgz
    Note: This command creates the following files in the ./Software/arria10/linux/ folder:
    • linux-system-sd.elf: contains the Linux kernel image
    • sd-angstrom-v2014.12-arria10swvp.img: contains the root file system
  4. To run the Arria® 10 SoC Virtual Platform with the default pre-built Linux binaries, type the following command:

    After the command runs, an Ångström prompt appears and you are in the root directory.