OpenCL* Quick Start User Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005

ID 683324
Date 7/21/2020

2.1. Introduction

This user guide describes how to get started with the OpenCL* on the Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005. The instructions use the precompiled OpenCL* kernels included in this version 2.0.1 Release. This user guide also includes a brief introduction to compiling OpenCL* kernels.

OpenCL* designs comprise two components, the kernel and the host. The kernel includes the accelerator code. The host runs on the host machine. The accelerator card plugs into the host machine.
Note: You must have root permission on the host machine to setup OpenCL* .

Prerequisites: Before running OpenCL* , you must follow the instructions from the Getting Started section of the Intel Acceleration Stack Quick Start Guide for Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card D5005 , referred to as Quick Start Guide throughout this document.

  • If you need the OpenCL* compiler and tools to build and run OpenCL* AFUs, download and install the Intel® Acceleration Stack for Development. Installing the development software ensures that the OpenCL* SDK is available under/home/<username>/inteldevstack/ or a Custom Directory, /<custom Directory>. This user guide refers to this path as /<dev Install Path>.
  • If you only require the Intel® FPGA SDK for the OpenCL* deployment functionality, download and install the Intel® Acceleration Stack for Runtime. Installing the runtime environment ensures that the OpenCL* RTE is installed under /home/<username>/intelrtestack/ or a Custom Directory, /<custom Directory>. This user guide refers to this path as /<RTE Install Path>.
  • Do not install the RTE and the DEV on the same host system. The DEV already contains the RTE.