Intel Accelerator Functional Unit Simulation Environment Quick Start User Guide

ID 683200
Date 3/06/2020

4.1. Simulation in Client-Server Mode

The following example flow introduces the basic ASE scripts. You can simulate all examples with the ASE, except eth_e2e_e10 and eth_e2e_e40.

Simulation requires two software processes: one process for RTL simulation and a second process to run the connected software. To construct an RTL simulation environment, run the following in $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/hello_afu:

$ afu_sim_setup --source hw/rtl/filelist.txt build_sim

This command constructs an ASE environment in the build_sim subdirectory.

To build and run the simulator:

$ cd build_sim
$ make
$ make sim

The simulator prints a message that it is ready for simulation. It also prints a message prompting you to set the ASE_WORKDIR environment variable.

Open another shell for software simulation. You must ensure to set the OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT environment variable.

To build and run the software in the new shell:

$ export ASE_WORKDIR=$OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/hello_afu/build_sim/work
$ cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/hello_afu/sw
$ make clean
$ make USE_ASE=1
$ ./hello_afu
Note: The specific pathname for ASE_WORKDIR may vary. Use the pathname provided by the simulator prompt.

The software and simulator run, log transactions, and exit.