Intel® FPGA RTE for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Getting Started Guide

ID 683173
Date 6/21/2022

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Document Table of Contents

1.2. Contents of the Intel® FPGA RTE for OpenCL™ Pro Edition

The Intel® FPGA RTE for OpenCL™ Pro Edition provides utilities, host runtime libraries, drivers, and RTE-specific libraries and files.

Utilities and Host Runtime Libraries

  • The RTE Utility includes commands you can invoke to perform high-level tasks. The RTE utilities are a subset of of the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL Pro Edition utilities.
  • The host runtime provides the OpenCL host platform API and runtime API for your OpenCL host application.

    The host runtime consists of the following libraries:

    • Statically-linked libraries provide OpenCL host APIs, hardware abstractions and helper libraries.
    • Dynamic link libraries (DLLs) provide hardware abstractions and helper libraries.

Drivers, Libraries and Files

The RTE installation process installs the RTE into a directory that you own. The path to the software installation directory is referenced by the INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT environment variable.

Table 1.  Contents of the RTE Installation Directory
Windows Folder Linux Directory ARM Directory Description
bin bin bin High-level utilities. Include this directory in your PATH environment variable setting.
host host host Files necessary for compiling your host program.
host\include host/include host/include

OpenCL Specification version 1.0 header files and software interface files necessary for compiling and linking your host application.

The host/include/CL subdirectory also includes the C++ header file cl.hpp. The file contains an OpenCL version 1.1 C++ wrapper API. These C++ bindings enable a C++ host program to access the OpenCL runtime APIs using native C++ classes and methods.

Important: The OpenCL version 1.1 C++ bindings are compatible with OpenCL Specification versions 1.0 and 1.1.

Add this path to the include file search path in your development environment.

host\windows64\lib host/linux64/lib host/arm32/lib OpenCL host runtime libraries for the given target platform that provide the OpenCL platform and runtime APIs. These libraries are necessary for linking and running your host application.

Prior to running your host application, include this directory in the library search path.

  • For Linux and ARM®, add the path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable setting.
  • For Windows, add the path to the PATH environment variable setting.
host\windows64\bin host/linux64/bin host/arm32/bin Platform-specific binary for the RTE Utility, runtime commands, and DLLs (for Windows) necessary for running your host application, wherever applicable. Include this directory in your PATH environment variable setting.
share\lib\perl share/lib/perl share/lib/perl Perl scripts and support libraries for the RTE Utility.

Example OpenCL Applications

You can refer to example OpenCL applications from the examples_aoc directory in the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL installation. For more information, refer to Contents of the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Pro Edition in the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Getting Started Guide.