SDI II Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683133
Date 4/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents Modifying the Reconfiguration Management

Perform the following changes to modify the reconfiguration management:

  • Edit the Number_of_channels parameter in sdi_ii_ed_reconfig_mgmt.v. This parameter value should be the total number of the SDI RX channels declared in the design. In this example, the NUM_CHS is 3.
  • Link the interface signals—sdi_rx_start_reconfig, sdi_rx_reconfig_done, and sdi_rx_std—between multiple SDI instances and reconfiguration management block. Link the interface signals—sdi_tx_start_reconfig, sdi_tx_reconfig_done, and sdi_tx_pll_sel—between user and reconfiguration management block. You must link the signals in the order of the logical channel number (rx_log_ch_num and tx_log_ch_num) in the reconfiguration logic source file (sdi_ii_reconfig_logic.v). For example:
wire tx_start_reconfig_ch2,tx_start_reconfig_ch1,tx_start_reconfig_ch0;
wire tx_pll_sel_ch2,tx_pll_sel_ch1,tx_pll_sel_ch0;
wire tx_reconfig_done_ch2,tx_reconfig_done _ch1,tx_reconfig_done_ch0;
wire rx_start_reconfig_ch2,rx_start_reconfig_ch1,rx_start_reconfig_ch0;
wire [1:0] rx_std_ch2, rx_std_ch1,rx_std_ch0;
wire rx_reconfig_done_ch2,rx_reconfig_done _ch1,rx_reconfig_done_ch0;
sdi_ii_ed_reconfig_mgmt #(
   . NUM_CHS (3),
) u_reconfig_mgmt (
   .sdi_tx_start_reconfig (tx_start_reconfig_ch2, tx_start_reconfig_ch1,tx_start_reconfig_ch0), 
   .sdi_tx_pll_sel  (tx_pll_sel_ch2,tx_pll_sel_ch1,tx_pll_sel_ch0),
   .sdi_tx_reconfig_done (tx_reconfig_done_ch2, tx_reconfig_done_ch1,tx_reconfig_done_ch0), 
   .sdi_rx_start_reconfig (rx_start_reconfig_ch2, rx_start_reconfig_ch1,rx_start_reconfig_ch0), 
   .sdi_rx_std   (rx_std_ch2,rx_std_ch1,rx_std_ch0),
   .sdi_rx_reconfig_done (rx_reconfig_done_ch2, rx_reconfig_done_ch1,rx_reconfig_done_ch0)
  • In the reconfiguration logic source file, the default setting for the wire rx_log_ch_num is 0 and 2 for channel 0 and channel 1, respectively. The default setting for the wire tx_log_ch_num is 0 and 2 (duplex) or 3 (TX) for channel 0 and channel 1, respectively. These numbers are referring to the Number_of_channels parameter value that was set in the transceiver reconfiguration controller. The logical channel number for each SDI channel is as listed in the table below.
Table 30.  Logical Channel Number for Each SDI Channel

SDI Channel


Number of Reconfiguration


Logical Channel Number




  • 0: RX/TX channel
  • 1: Tx PLL


RX and TX

3 (1 for RX and 2 for TX)

  • 2: RX channel
  • 3: TX channel
  • 4: TX PLL




  • 5: RX/TX channel
  • 6: TX PLL
  • Edit the reconfiguration logic source file to assign the logical channel number for the additional SDI duplex instance, which occupies the SDI Ch2. The logical channel number specified in the source file is the reconfiguration interface that is intended for dynamic reconfiguration. For example, if TX channel is intended for dynamic reconfiguration, tx_log_ch_num[2] should be 5.
wire [7:0] rx_log_ch_num [0:NUM_CHS-1];
   assign rx_log_ch_num[0] = 8'd0; // Duplex Rx channel share same 
                                      logical channel number with Tx
   assign rx_log_ch_num[1] = 8'd2; // Rx channel
   assign rx_log_ch_num[2] = 8'd5; // Duplex Rx channel
wire [7:0] tx_log_ch_num [0:NUM_CHS-1];
   assign tx_log_ch_num[0] = 8'd0; // Duplex Tx channel share same 
                                      logical channel number with Rx
   assign tx_log_ch_num[1] = 8'd3; // Tx channel
   assign tx_log_ch_num[2] = 8'd5; // Duplex Tx channel