Visible to Intel only — GUID: toolkit_properties
1.1.1. add_help
1.1.2. add_service
1.1.3. autosweep_add_input_parameter
1.1.4. autosweep_add_output_metric
1.1.5. autosweep_apply_bestcase
1.1.6. autosweep_apply_case
1.1.7. autosweep_create_instance
1.1.8. autosweep_destroy_instance
1.1.9. autosweep_get_best_case
1.1.10. autosweep_get_case_count
1.1.11. autosweep_get_case_description
1.1.12. autosweep_get_case_result
1.1.13. autosweep_get_data
1.1.14. autosweep_get_input_parameter_range
1.1.15. autosweep_get_input_parameters
1.1.16. autosweep_get_instances
1.1.17. autosweep_get_output_metrics
1.1.18. autosweep_get_progress
1.1.19. autosweep_remove_input_paramater
1.1.20. autosweep_remove_output_metric
1.1.21. autosweep_set_input_parameter_range
1.1.22. autosweep_start
1.1.23. autosweep_stop
1.1.24. bytestream_receive
1.1.25. bytestream_send
1.1.26. claim_service
1.1.27. close_service
1.1.28. debug_get_commands
1.1.29. debug_get_legacy_service_types
1.1.30. debug_print_filesystem
1.1.31. design_extract_debug_files
1.1.32. design_extract_dotty
1.1.33. design_get_warnings
1.1.34. design_instantiate
1.1.35. design_link
1.1.36. design_load
1.1.37. design_update_debug_files
1.1.38. device_download_sof
1.1.39. device_get_board
1.1.40. device_get_connections
1.1.41. device_get_design
1.1.42. etile_eye_background_scan_done
1.1.43. etile_eye_cancel_background_scan
1.1.44. etile_eye_get_attribute
1.1.45. etile_eye_get_data
1.1.46. etile_eye_scan_and_load
1.1.47. etile_eye_unload
1.1.48. etile_get_actions
1.1.49. etile_get_parameter
1.1.50. etile_get_parameters
1.1.51. etile_read_register
1.1.52. etile_run_action
1.1.53. etile_set_parameter
1.1.54. etile_write_register
1.1.55. executor_cancel
1.1.56. executor_clean_directory
1.1.57. executor_get_directory
1.1.58. executor_get_environment
1.1.59. executor_get_exit_value
1.1.60. executor_get_stderr
1.1.61. executor_get_stdout
1.1.62. executor_is_cancelled
1.1.63. executor_is_done
1.1.64. executor_run
1.1.65. executor_set_environment
1.1.66. executor_unset_environment
1.1.67. executor_wait_for
1.1.68. eye_create_instance
1.1.69. eye_destroy_instance
1.1.70. eye_get_channel
1.1.71. eye_get_data
1.1.72. eye_get_instances
1.1.73. eye_get_progress
1.1.74. eye_get_toolkit_instance
1.1.75. eye_start
1.1.76. eye_stop
1.1.77. get_claimed_services
1.1.78. get_service_paths
1.1.79. get_service_types
1.1.80. get_services_to_add
1.1.81. get_version
1.1.82. help
1.1.83. io_bus_access
1.1.84. io_bus_get_protocol
1.1.85. is_plugin_enabled
1.1.86. is_service_open
1.1.87. is_service_path
1.1.88. issp_get_instance_info
1.1.89. issp_read_probe_data
1.1.90. issp_read_source_data
1.1.91. issp_write_source_data
1.1.92. jtag_debug_loop
1.1.93. jtag_debug_reset_system
1.1.94. jtag_debug_sample_clock
1.1.95. jtag_debug_sample_reset
1.1.96. jtag_debug_sense_clock
1.1.97. log_command_start
1.1.98. log_command_stop
1.1.99. loopback_get
1.1.100. loopback_set
1.1.101. loopback_start
1.1.102. loopback_stop
1.1.103. marker_get_assignments
1.1.104. marker_get_info
1.1.105. marker_get_type
1.1.106. marker_get_types
1.1.107. marker_node_info
1.1.108. master_get_register_names
1.1.109. master_get_slaves
1.1.110. master_get_timeout
1.1.111. master_read_16
1.1.112. master_read_32
1.1.113. master_read_8
1.1.114. master_read_memory
1.1.115. master_read_to_file
1.1.116. master_set_timeout
1.1.117. master_write_16
1.1.118. master_write_32
1.1.119. master_write_8
1.1.120. master_write_from_file
1.1.121. master_write_memory
1.1.122. module_get_children
1.1.123. module_get_keys
1.1.124. module_get_parent
1.1.125. module_get_values
1.1.126. monitor_add_range
1.1.127. monitor_get_all_read_intervals
1.1.128. monitor_get_interval
1.1.129. monitor_get_missing_event_count
1.1.130. monitor_get_read_interval
1.1.131. monitor_read_all_data
1.1.132. monitor_read_data
1.1.133. monitor_set_callback
1.1.134. monitor_set_enabled
1.1.135. monitor_set_interval
1.1.136. open_service
1.1.137. packet_send_command
1.1.138. plugin_disable
1.1.139. plugin_enable
1.1.140. processor_clear_breakpoint
1.1.141. processor_download_elf
1.1.142. processor_gdbserver
1.1.143. processor_gdbserver_start
1.1.144. processor_gdbserver_stop
1.1.145. processor_get_register
1.1.146. processor_get_register_names
1.1.147. processor_in_debug_mode
1.1.148. processor_reset
1.1.149. processor_run
1.1.150. processor_semihosting_start
1.1.151. processor_semihosting_stop
1.1.152. processor_set_breakpoint
1.1.153. processor_set_register
1.1.154. processor_step
1.1.155. processor_stop
1.1.156. processor_stop_reason
1.1.157. processor_verify_elf
1.1.158. refresh_connections
1.1.159. remove_service
1.1.160. semiConsoleNew
1.1.161. semihosting_start
1.1.162. semihosting_stop
1.1.1632.1.20. send_message
1.1.164. sld_access_dr
1.1.165. sld_access_ir
1.1.166. sld_lock
1.1.167. sld_run_test_idle
1.1.168. sld_send_program
1.1.169. sld_test_logic_reset
1.1.170. sld_unlock
1.1.171. stp_run
1.1.172. system_get_keys
1.1.173. system_get_values
1.1.174. toolkit_get_toolkit_actions
1.1.175. toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_input_parameters
1.1.176. toolkit_get_toolkit_autosweep_output_metrics
1.1.177. toolkit_get_toolkit_channel_properties
1.1.178. toolkit_get_toolkit_channels
1.1.179. toolkit_get_toolkit_display_hint
1.1.180. toolkit_get_toolkit_display_id_to_name
1.1.181. toolkit_get_toolkit_display_item_property
1.1.182. toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_channels
1.1.183. toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_input_parameters
1.1.184. toolkit_get_toolkit_eye_output_metrics
1.1.185. toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_modules
1.1.186. toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_services
1.1.187. toolkit_get_toolkit_matching_systems
1.1.188. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_properties
1.1.189. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_property
1.1.190. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameter_value
1.1.191. toolkit_get_toolkit_parameters
1.1.192. toolkit_get_toolkit_properties
1.1.193. toolkit_get_toolkit_property
1.1.194. toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_ids
1.1.195. toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_properties
1.1.196. toolkit_get_toolkit_requirement_property
1.1.197. toolkit_load_toolkit_instance
1.1.198. toolkit_log_toolkit_command_start
1.1.199. toolkit_log_toolkit_command_stop
1.1.200. toolkit_run_toolkit_action
1.1.201. toolkit_set_toolkit_parameter_value
1.1.202. toolkit_unload_toolkit_instance
1.1.203. trace_db_delete_snapshot
1.1.204. trace_db_get_snapshot
1.1.205. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_data
1.1.206. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_fields
1.1.207. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_kind
1.1.208. trace_db_snapshot_get_event_timestamp
1.1.209. trace_db_snapshot_get_events
1.1.210. trace_decoder_add_key_result
1.1.211. trace_decoder_add_result
1.1.212. trace_decoder_define_key
1.1.213. trace_decoder_get_config
1.1.214. trace_decoder_get_data_16
1.1.215. trace_decoder_get_data_16be
1.1.216. trace_decoder_get_data_32
1.1.217. trace_decoder_get_data_32be
1.1.218. trace_decoder_get_data_64
1.1.219. trace_decoder_get_data_64be
1.1.220. trace_decoder_get_data_8
1.1.221. trace_decoder_get_length
1.1.222. trace_decoder_get_timestamp
1.1.223. trace_decoder_set_callback
1.1.224. trace_decoder_set_config_regs
1.1.225. trace_decoder_set_summary
1.1.226. trace_get_db_size
1.1.227. trace_get_max_db_size
1.1.228. trace_get_monitor_info
1.1.229. trace_get_monitors
1.1.230. trace_get_status
1.1.231. trace_load
1.1.232. trace_read_monitor
1.1.233. trace_save
1.1.234. trace_set_max_db_size
1.1.235. trace_set_trigger_mode
1.1.236. trace_start
1.1.237. trace_stop
1.1.238. trace_write_monitor
2.1.1. add_channel
2.1.2. add_display_item
2.1.3. add_parameter
2.1.4. add_requirement
2.1.5. add_timed_callback
2.1.6. get_accessible_module
2.1.7. get_accessible_modules
2.1.8. get_accessible_service
2.1.9. get_accessible_services
2.1.10. get_accessible_system
2.1.11. get_channel_display_group
2.1.12. get_channel_property
2.1.13. get_display_hint
2.1.14. get_display_item_property
2.1.15. get_eye_viewer_display_group
2.1.16. get_parameter_property
2.1.17. get_parameter_value
2.1.18. get_toolkit_property
2.1.19. remove_timed_callback
1.1.1632.1.20. send_message
2.1.21. set_channel_property
2.1.22. set_current_progress
2.1.23. set_display_hint
2.1.24. set_display_item_property
2.1.25. set_eye_data
2.1.26. set_eye_property
2.1.27. set_parameter_property
2.1.28. set_parameter_update_callback
2.1.29. set_parameter_value
2.1.30. set_requirement_property
2.1.31. set_toolkit_property
2.1.32. stop_requested
2.2.1. _hw.tcl Callbacks
2.2.2. _hw.tcl Channel Properties
2.2.3. _hw.tcl Channel Type
2.2.4. _hw.tcl Display Hint
2.2.5. _hw.tcl Display Item Properties
2.2.6. _hw.tcl Display Item Type
2.2.7. _hw.tcl Eye Properties
2.2.8. _hw.tcl Parameter Properties
2.2.9. _hw.tcl Parameter Type
2.2.10. _hw.tcl Requirement Properties
2.2.11. _hw.tcl Requirement Type
2.2.12. _hw.tcl Toolkit Properties
Visible to Intel only — GUID: toolkit_properties
2.2.12. _hw.tcl Toolkit Properties
Name | Description |
AUTHOR | The author of the toolkit. |
AUTOSWEEP_CASE_VALIDITY_CALLBACK | A callback procedure that is called at the start of each autosweep scan iteration and takes in a set of parameters to be set to determine whether a given configuration case is valid by returning a 'true' or 'false' value. |
AUTOSWEEP_FINALIZATION_CALLBACK | A callback procedure that is called at the end of an autosweep scan (not per autosweep scan case iteration). This callback is used to configure the device at the end of a scan, e.g., restore the device to a previous state. |
AUTOSWEEP_INITIALIZATION_CALLBACK | A callback procedure that is called at the start of an autosweep scan (not per autosweep scan case iteration). This callback is used to configure the device in preparation for an autosweep scan. |
AUTOSWEEP_QUALITY_METRIC_CALLBACK | A callback procedure that is called in each autosweep scan iteration to update specified quality metric values. The argument of this callback procedure is a list of quality metric parameters that are expected to be updated after every scan. Note: quality metric parameters must have an associated quality comparison callback defined. |
CHANNEL_CALLBACK | A callback procedure that is called to declare toolkit channels. This can be used to add channels with the "add_channel" command and can be used to set the properties of that channel using the "set_channel_property". |
CHART_CALLBACK | The update procedure for chartable parameters. The argument of the callback procedure is a list of chartable parameters that are expected to be updated. This callback is called at a fixed time interval as specified by the user's update frequency. These callbacks execute sequentially and, when added, are scheduled to execute at the next available time slot. |
DATASHEET_URL | The URL for the corresponding datasheet. |
DESCRIPTION | Description of the toolkit. |
DISPLAY_NAME | Name of the toolkit. |
ELABORATION_CALLBACK | The name of the elaboration callback. When defined, the toolkit's elaboration callback is called to respond to parameter value changes, i.e., this callback may be used to push updated parameter values to hardware. |
EYE_VIEWER_CALLBACK | A callback procedure that is called to configure the Eye Viewer tool to display an eye based on a given set of eye data. The argument of this callback is the channel that is going to be scanned. Use "set_eye_data" command to set the data used to create the eye diagram. |
FINALIZATION_CALLBACK | When defined, this callback is executed once when a toolkit is either closed by System Console or is no longer referenced in a System Console toolkit view, whichever occurs last. |
GROUP | The group that this toolkit belongs to. |
INITIALIZATION_CALLBACK | When defined, this callback is executed once when the toolkit is either first launched or referenced in a System Console toolkit view, whichever occurs first. |
INTERNAL | When set to true, this property causes the toolkit to only be displayed when using the "--debug" flag. |
NAME | A unique identifier for the toolkit. |
VERSION | Toolkit version, e.g., 1.0 |