Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683068
Date 2/21/2024
Document Table of Contents Set Operating Conditions

You can specify various operating conditions to analyze timing under different power and temperature ranges. There are four operating conditions available that represent the four "timing corners" in multi-corner timing analysis. The Timing Analyzer generates separate reports for each set of operating conditions.
  • Slow 900mV 100C Model—specifies low voltage, high temperature operating conditions for timing analysis.
  • Slow 900mV 0C Model—specifies low voltage, low temperature operating conditions for timing analysis.
  • Fast 900mV 100C Model—specifies high voltage, high temperature operating conditions for timing analysis.
  • Fast 900mV 100C Model—specifies high voltage, low temperature operating conditions for timing analysis.

Select a voltage/temperature combination and double-click Report Timing under Custom Reports in the Tasks pane to generate timing analysis reports for that model. After generating the report for that model, you can double-click the listings for the other models to generate analysis for those reports without re-generating the timing netlist.

You can use the following context menu options to generate or regenerate reports in the Report window:

  • Regenerate—Regenerates the report you select.
  • Generate in All Corners—Generate a timing report using all four corners.
  • Regenerate All Out of Date—Regenerate all reports.
  • Delete All Out of Date—Removes all previous report data.