P-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683059
Date 12/13/2021

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Document Table of Contents VF Error Flag Interface (for x16/x8 Cores Only)

The VFs, with no AER support, are required to generate Non-Fatal error messages. The IP does not generate any error message. It is up to the user application logic to generate appropriate messages when specific error conditions occur.

The P-Tile IP for PCIe makes necessary signals available to the user application logic to generate these messages. The Completion Timeout Interface (described in section Completion Timeout Interface) and the signals listed in the table below provide the necessary information to generate Non-Fatal error messages.
Table 13.  VF Error Flag Interface
Signal Name Direction Description Clock Domain EP/RP/BP

X16: vf_err_poisonedwrreq_s0/1/2/3_o

X8: vf_err_poisonedwrreq_s0/1_o

O Indicates a Poisoned Write Request is received. coreclkout_hip EP

X16: vf_err_poisonedcompl_s0/1/2/3_o

X8: vf_err_poisonedcompl_s0/1_o

O Indicates a Poisoned Completion is received. coreclkout_hip EP

X16: vf_err_ur_posted_s0/1/2/3_o

X8: vf_err_ur_posted_s0/1_o

O Indicates the IP core received a Posted UR request. coreclkout_hip EP

X16: vf_err_ca_postedreq_s0/1/2/3_o

X8: vf_err_ca_postedreq_s0/1_o

O Indicates the IP core received a Posted CA request. coreclkout_hip EP

X16: vf_err_vf_num_s0/1/2/3_o[10:0]

X8: vf_err_vf_num_s0/1_o[10:0]

O Indicates the VF number for which the error is detected. coreclkout_hip EP

X16: vf_err_func_num_s0/1/2/3_o[2:0]

X8: vf_err_func_num_s0/1_o[2:0]

O Indicates the physical function number associated with the VF that has the error. coreclkout_hip EP
vf_err_overflow_o O Indicates a VF error FIFO overflow and a loss of an error report. The overflow can happen when coreclkout_hip is slower than the default value. If coreclkout_hip is running at the default frequency, the overflow will not happen. coreclkout_hip EP
user_sent_vfnonfatalmsg_s0_i I Indicates the user application sent a non-fatal error message in response to an error detected. coreclkout_hip EP
user_vfnonfatalmsg_vfnum_s0_i[10:0] I Indicates the VF number for which the error message was generated. This bus is valid when user_sent_vfnonfatalmsg_s0_i is high. coreclkout_hip EP
user_vfnonfatalmsg_func_num_s0_i[2:0] I Indicates the PF number associated with the VF with the error. This bus is valid when user_sent_vfnonfatalmsg_s0_i is high. coreclkout_hip EP