Intel® MAX® 10 Clocking and PLL User Guide

ID 683047
Date 12/26/2023
Document Table of Contents

5.2. ALTCLKCTRL IP Core Ports and Signals

Table 14.   ALTCLKCTRL Input Ports for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices
Port Name Condition Description
clkselect[] Optional

Input that dynamically selects the clock source to drive the clock network that is driven by the clock buffer.

Input port [1 DOWNTO 0] wide.

If omitted, the default is GND.

If this signal is connected, only the global clock network can be driven by this clock control block.

The following list shows the signal selection for the binary value:

  • 00inclk[0]
  • 01inclk[1]
  • 10inclk[2]
  • 11inclk[3]
ena Optional

Clock enable of the clock buffer.

If omitted, the default value is VCC.

inclk[] Required

Clock input of the clock buffer.

Input port [3 DOWNTO 0] wide.

You can specify up to four clock inputs, inclk[3..0].

Clock pins, clock outputs from the PLL, and core signals can drive the inclk[] port.

Multiple clock inputs are only supported for the global clock networks.

Table 15.   ALTCLKCTRL Output Ports for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices
Port Name Condition Description
outclk Required Output of the clock buffer.