Developer Guide

Developer Guide for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library macOS*

ID 766688
Date 11/07/2023
Document Table of Contents

Using the -qmkl Compiler Option

The Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, the Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic, and the Intel® Fortran Compiler support the following -qmkl compiler option variants so that you can easily link against the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL):

-qmkl=parallel (-qmkl)

Links against the oneMKL Intel threading layer and the necessary libraries. The -qmkl=parallel option can be simplified to -qmkl.

-qmkl=parallel -qtbb (-qmkl -qtbb)

Links against the oneMKL Intel TBB threading layer and the necessary libraries. The -qtbb option is supported only by the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler.


Links against the oneMKL sequential threading layer and the necessary libraries.

For each -qmkl compiler option variant on Intel 64–architecture systems, the compiler links your application against the LP64 interface except when you are using the C++ compiler icpx with the -fsycl option, which links against the ILP64 interface. To link against the ILP64 interface in other cases, use the -qmkl-ilp64 compiler option variants (see Using the -qmkl-ilp64 Compiler Option).

For the complete compilation and link lines, use the oneMKL Link Line Advisor. For more information, see Linking in Detail.