Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-4F48AA28-F15F-4C49-82C9-7B723BDD0D47
Ahead-of-Time Compilation for CPU Architectures
In ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation mode, optimization flags can be used to produce code aimed to run better on a specific CPU architecture.
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=spir64_x86_64 -Xs “-device <CPU optimization flags>” a.cpp b.cpp -o app.out
Supported CPU optimization flags are:
-march=<instruction_set_arch> Set target instruction set architecture: 'sse42' for Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 'avx2' for Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 2 'avx512' for Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512
The set of supported optimization flags may be changed in future releases.