Install Intel® PAC BSPs
Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Cards (PACs) help move, process, and store data quickly and efficiently. The performance and versatility of PAC BSPs allow you to implement solutions for data center workloads, such as streaming analytics, video transcoding, financial trading, artificial intelligence, genomics, and big data analytics.
Install Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro version 19.2 software that is compatible with the PAC. Follow instructions in Install the Intel® Quartus® Prime Software to ensure the Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler is configured to run with the installed Intel Quartus Prime software.
Install the Intel® Quartus® Pro Setup BSP Patch for the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition 19.2 software, and device packages compatible with your PAC BSP from Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 19.2 for Linux webpage (hint: See oneAPI tab).
Download the BSP packages on systems with a physical card or the runtime system. If you need a PAC BSP (Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA or Intel® FPGA PAC D5005), download it from the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 19.2 for Linux webpage (hint: See oneAPI tab). For additional information, refer to the Intel FPGA developmental flow webpage or contact the Intel sales representatives. Unzip the PAC BSP package (intel_a10gx_pac or intel_s10sx_pac) in your desired directory.
Install the python-jsonschema package on Ubuntu 18:
sudo apt install python-jsonschema
Installation Procedure
For Systems Not Connected to a PAC Board
If your system does not have a connected PAC board, but you want to use it to compile through Intel Quartus Prime software, perform the following steps on Ubuntu 18:
Ensure that you have not installed the PACSign package on your system. If you have it installed, then execute the following commands to uninstall the package:
sudo -E dpkg -r python3-opae.pacsign sudo -E dpkg -r python3-opae.pac-sign
Move to the following directory:
For Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA:
<intel_a10gx_pac directory>/bringup/opae/pac_a10
For Intel® FPGA PAC D5005:
<intel_s10sx_pac directory>/bringup/opae/pac_s10
Execute the following command:
sudo -E apt-get install -y ./python3-pacsign_1.0.7_amd64.deb
Use PAC BSP with your FPGA compiles using the following command option:
For Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA:
-Xsboard = <intel_a10gx_pac directory>:pac_a10
For Intel® FPGA PAC D5005, run one of the following commands based on the USM support:
-Xsboard = <intel_s10sx_pac directory>:<pac_s10> -Xsboard = <intel_s10sx_pac directory>:<pac_s10_usm>
For Systems Connected to a PAC Board
Perform these steps on systems connected to a PAC board:
Install one of the following based on the PAC board you are using:
For Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA:
aocl install intel_a10gx_pac
For Intel® FPGA PAC D5005:
aocl install intel_s10sx_pac
NOTE:- Avoid running the aocl install command with secure boot enabled. Otherwise, an error is displayed since it is currently not supported.
You cannot simultaneously install the software stack for Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA and Intel® FPGA PAC D5005 on the same system. If you have installed one of them and want to install the other one, you must uninstall the former first by either running the aocl uninstall intel_a10gx_pac or aocl uninstall intel_s10sx_pac command.
Accept the installation prompts to proceed with installing the Intel® PAC software stack.
NOTE:- You must ensure that the FPGA development board is plugged into the system. Verify it using the aocl diagnose command. Perform this diagnostic only once per installation.
The installer attempts to install the prerequisite packages. If it fails to install a package (for example, due to version conflict or repository incomplete), you can either manually install that package or run the sudo apt -fix-broken install command.
Use PAC BSP with your FPGA compiles using the following command:
For Intel® PAC with Intel Arria® 10 GX FPGA:
-Xsboard=<intel_a10gx_pac directory>:pac_a10
For Intel® FPGA PAC D5005, run one of the following commands based on the USM support:
-Xsboard=<intel_s10sx_pac directory>:<pac_s10> -Xsboard=<intel_s10sx_pac directory>:<pac_s10_usm>
Update the Firmware on your Intel® PAC
For Intel® PAC with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA
If you used your Intel® PAC with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA with the 2021.1-beta06 or a lower version of the Intel® FPGA Add-on in the past, you must update the firmware to the version compatible with the acceleration stack version 1.2.1 for the FPGA to work with the 2021.1-beta07 and later versions of the Intel® PAC software stack. The firmware update files are available in the Intel® FPGA Add-on for oneAPI Base Toolkit Package, and the files are installed after you run the aocl install command.
Use the instructions in Identifying the Flash Image and BMC Firmware to identify your firmware version. If you need to update the firmware, use the instructions in Updating the FIM and BMC Firmware.
For Intel® FPGA PAC D5005
Each Acceleration Stack release has a unique FIM version. Use the fpgainfo command to identify the FIM (PR interface) and BMC firmware version:
sudo fpgainfo fme
If your Intel® FPGA PAC D5005 board firmware does not correspond to the most recent version for Acceleration Stack 2.0.1, then update your Intel® FPGA PAC D5005 board firmware from version 2.0 to 2.0.1 by performing these steps:
Update the FPGA Interface Manager (FIM) and BMC firmware version using the following command.
sudo fpgaotsu /usr/share/opae/d5005/one-time-update/base/otsu.json
For more information, refer to Updating the FIM and BMC using the fpgaotsu.
Power cycle the server for the updates to take effect.
sudo fpgaotsu /usr/share/opae/d5005/one-time-update/base/otsu.json --verify --log-level debug
Run the following command to confirm whether the output matches the desired FIM and BMC version:
sudo fpgainfo fme
For sample output, refer to Identify the FPGA Interface Manager (FIM) and BMC Firmware Version.