Get Started with the Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit for macOS*

ID 766440
Date 3/31/2023

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Run Intel® Open Volume Kernel Library (Intel® Open VKL) Sample

This tutorial describes how to run a pre-compiled interactive sample application built on Intel® Open Volume Kernel Library (Intel® Open VKL).

The vklExamples sample application renders the Intel Open VKL API results to screen through a graphical interface.

Prerequisite: Configure your system.

To run the application:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. If you did not set up oneAPI toolkit environment permanently: Set up environment variables:
    • For root or sudo users:
      . /opt/intel/oneapi/
    • For non-root users:
      . ~/intel/oneapi/

    See Set up Environment Variables for other options.

    If you installed the Render Kit to a custom location, make sure to replace /opt/intel/oneapi/ (for root or sudo users) or ~/intel/oneapi/ (for non-root users) with the custom installation path before running the command.
  3. Go to a writable directory and create a directory to store supporting files. For example, create the rk_gsg folder :
    cd ~
    mkdir rk_gsg
    cd rk_gsg
  4. Run the sample application:
    vklExamples -windowSize 1024 768

    The sample results will open in a new GUI window.

The following controls are available:

  • Left-click (Mouse1) and drag to rotate camera.
  • Right-click (Mouse2) and drag to zoom camera.
  • Middle-click (Mouse3) and drag to pan camera.
  • Select different transfer functions, Intel Open VKL API values, and rendering controls to visualize the volume.

User interface elements may overlap. Drag and drop the blue control bar to see all controls.

Tips and Observations

  • Different renderer modes are available from the rendering drop-down. These modes correspond to contemporary volume sampling and rendering applications.
  • Density Path Tracer renderer demonstrates path tracing within a volume. It uses vklComputeSample() in support of a Woodcock-tracking sampling algorithm. Use the dialog boxes to control algorithm parameters. See DensityPathTracer.cpp.
  • Hit-iterator renderer demonstrates hit-iterator and gradient computation functionality. It uses vklIterateHit() and vklComputeGradient(). This example also demonstrates shadow testing. See HitIteratorRenderer.cpp.
  • Ray-march iterator demonstrates interval iteration and computation of a volume sample. It uses vklIterateInterval() and vklComputeSample(). See RayMarchIteratorRenderer.cpp.
  • When exploring the samples, note that the code is aliased and modular to support the interactive rendering window. To better understand the code, start with the renderPixel() function.
  • ISPC modes correspond with code implementations built on the Intel® Implicit SPMD Program Compiler. These implementations take advantage of SIMD capabilities of modern processors and provide more opportunity for performance.

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