Get Started with the Intel® IoT Toolkit for Windows*

ID 766881
Date 11/07/2023


Potential errors and how to avoid or fix them.

Issue How to fix
Errors that occur during installation or directly after installation. See the Troubleshooting page of the Intel® oneAPI Toolkits Installation Guide for Windows* OS.
Undefined error appears when building a sample.

If the sample was built by using cmake and then make, more details to diagnose the reason for your error are available by rebuilding with the VERBOSE option:

make VERBOSE=1

For more comprehensive troubleshooting, use the Diagnostics Utility for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits, which provides system checks to find missing dependencies and permissions errors. Learn more.

Developing with Offline Systems: I need to develop on a system that is not connected to the internet.

If you are using an offline system, download the samples from a system that is internet connected and transfer the sample files to your offline system.

After you have downloaded the samples, follow the instructions in the file. The readme file is located in the folder of the sample you are interested in.

The samples can be downloaded from the code samples repository.

The full set of documentation can be downloaded from Downloadable Documentation.

Errors due to missing dependencies, missing environment variables or missing machine capabilities.

The Diagnostics Utility for Intel oneAPI Toolkits provides the ability to find missing dependencies and permissions errors and is already installed with this tooklit. Learn more.

Unable to install toolkits or access libraries. Verify that you meet the System Requirements listed on the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit product page

When building a sample on Windows, error MSB8020: compiler not found appears.

When compiling, this error appears:

error MSB8020: The build tools for Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler (Platform Toolset = 'Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler') cannot be found. To build using the Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler build tools, please install Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then select "Retarget solution."

This issue can occur if Visual Studio is installed after a oneAPI Toolkit, resulting in the toolkit plug-ins being absent.

To fix this problem, uninstall and reinstall your oneAPI toolkits:

  1. In Windows settings, open Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Click on Intel® oneAPI toolkits.
  3. Click Uninstall.
  4. After the Uninstall process is complete, verify that Visual Studio and/or MSBuild are installed.
  5. Install your oneAPI toolkits following the same procedure you used the first time. To download the software, go to the Intel® oneAPI Toolkits page.

When running a sample on Windows, SPIRV internal error appears.

The SPIRV error could be occurring if the default processor is a GPU but you are running a sample for a CPU. To force the sample to compile on the CPU:

  1. In the src file for the sample, open the .cpp file. For example, C:\samples\vector-add\src\vector-add-buffers.cpp.
  2. Find the #else statement that starts with //The default device selector will select the most performant device.
  3. Replace the entire #else #endif statement with:
    #else // The default device selector will select the most performant device. // default_selector d_selector; cpu_selector d_selector; #endif
  4. Compile the sample again, then run the sample.

In Visual Studio, the Intel menu does not appear and/or the samples from the installed toolkit are missing.

If Visual Studio is installed after a oneAPI toolkit, the plug-ins that come as part of the toolkit are not installed.

To fix this problem, uninstall and reinstall your oneAPI toolkits:

  1. In Windows settings, open Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Select on Intel® oneAPI toolkits.
  3. Click Uninstall.
  4. After the Uninstall process is complete, verify that Visual Studio 2017 and/or Visual Studio 2019 is installed.
  5. Install your oneAPI toolkits following the same procedure you used the first time. The software is available for download at the Intel® oneAPI Toolkits page.

Problems connecting from behind a proxy The oneAPI CLI Samples Browser does not work with system proxy settings and does not support WPAD proxy.

If you are unable to access the samples from the oneAPI CLI Samples Browser, set the value of https_proxy and http_proxy, then run oneapi-cli.exe in the same command line window. To set the proxy enter this command, where your.proxy is the name of your proxy server and 8080 is your default port.

set http_proxy=http://your.proxy:8080
set https_proxy=https://your.proxy:8080

After you set the proxy, return to the instructions for Running a Sample Using the Command Line and try again.

Long-running applications are terminated.

If your application has long-running GPU compute workloads in native environments, those workloads may be terminated by the hardware. This functionality is intended to prevent process hangs to run indefinitely; however, this behavior is not recommended for virtualizations or other standard usages of GPU, such as gaming.

A workload that takes more than four seconds for GPU hardware to execute is considered a long-running workload. By default, individual threads that qualify as long-running workloads are considered hung and are terminated.

To modify the termination process, see Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR) Registry Keys from Microsoft.