
Using MPI Tuner for Intel® MPI Library on Linux* OS

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ID 768652
Date 2/19/2016

Cluster-Specific Tuning Commands

To use the MPI tuner in the cluster-specific mode:

  1. Run the following command to create the tuned configuration files in the default <installdir>/<arch>/<etc> directory:

    $ mpitune -hf <hostfile>

    To create configuration files in a different directory, use the -odr option:

    $ mpitune -hf <hostfile> -odr <path_to_result_directory>
  2. Use the -tune option without an argument to pick up the configuration files from the default directory, or use the path to the results as an argument for -tune. For example:

    $ mpirun -tune -ppn 8 -n 128 ./my_app
    $ mpirun -tune <path_to_result_directory> -ppn 8 -n 128 ./my_app