Intel® Inspector User Guide for Windows* OS

ID 767798
Date 3/31/2023

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Document Table of Contents

Pane: Project Navigator

Default pane position in window

(One way) To access this Intel Inspector pane: Click the icon on the Intel Inspector toolbar. Use this pane to:

  • See a hierarchical view of your projects and results based on the directory where the opened project resides.

  • Perform functions available from the menu and toolbar plus:

    • Delete a selected project or result.

    • Rename a selected project or result.

    • Close all opened results.

    • Copy various directory paths to the system clipboard.

    • Refinalize (re-resolve) - and open if not already opened - a result using a more complete set of symbol information.

Use This

To Do This

Menu or toolbar commands

Populate the Project Navigator project hierarchy based on the directory where the currently opened project resides.

Title bar

Move the Project Navigator (drag).

Dock the Project Navigator (drag to a window edge).

Directory context menu

  • New Project... - Open the Create a Project dialog box, where you can browse to or create a directory in which the Intel Inspector will create an Intel Inspector project (config.inspxeproj).

  • Open Project From New Location - Open the Select Project dialog box, where you can browse to a directory containing Intel Inspector projects.

  • Copy Path to Clipboard - Copy this directory path to the system clipboard.


Open the project (double-click).


Opening a project closes the currently opened project.

Project context menu

  • Open Project - Open the Intel Inspector project.

  • Close Project - Close the current project and any opened results.

  • New Analysis... - Open the Analysis Type window, where you can:

    • Choose a preset memory or threading error analysis type.

    • Configure a custom analysis type.

  • <Recent Analysis Type> - Rerun a recent analysis.

  • Close All Results - Close all opened results for this project.

  • Delete Project - Immediately delete the selected project (and associated results) from the Project Navigator and file system.

  • Rename Project - Rename the selected project:

    • Immediately in the Project Navigator

    • In the file system after you close the project or exit the Intel Inspector


    The corresponding project directory on your file system is not renamed.

  • Copy Project Path to Clipboard - Copy the file path for this project to the system clipboard.

  • Project Properties... - Open the Project Properties dialog box, where you can review or change current project properties.


Open the result (double-click).


Opening a result opens the associated project if it is not already open.

Result context menu

  • Open Result - Open the Intel Inspector result.

  • Export Result... - Create an easy-to-share result archive file.

  • Re-inspect - Run a new analysis using the same analysis type as that in the selected result.

  • Re-resolve [and Open] - Refinalize (and open if not already opened) the result using a more complete set of symbol information.


    • When you run an analysis using the GUI, finalization occurs after the result is generated and when the result is first opened in the standalone GUI or in the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE.

    • Intel Inspector retrieves symbol information using the directories identified in the Binary/Symbol Search and Source Search tabs of the Project Properties dialog box as well as default search locations and algorithms.

    • Refinalizing may change problem set, code location, and stack information because the Intel Inspector discards previously resolved symbol information and performs symbol resolution again.

  • Delete Result - Immediately delete the selected result from the Project Navigator and file system.

  • Rename Result - Rename the selected result:

    • Immediately in the Project Navigator

    • In the file system after you close the result or project, or exit the Intel Inspector


    The corresponding result directory in the file system is not renamed.

  • Copy Result Path to Clipboard - Copy the file path for this result to the system clipboard.