Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers User Guide

ID 767266
Date 9/28/2023

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Relation API

Relation API binds two named instances, for example, tasks, with a reasonable relation attribute. Relations can be added before or after the actual instances are created and persist independently of the instances.

To logically group a bunch of tasks, you can use different types of relations:

void ITTAPI __itt_relation_add(const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_id head, __itt_relation relation, __itt_id tail)

void ITTAPI __itt_relation_add_ex(const __itt_domain *domain, __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain, unsigned long long timestamp, __itt_id head, __itt_relation relation, __itt_id tail)

Parameters of the primitives:

Type Parameter Description
[in] __itt_domain* domain

Relation domain

[in] __itt_relation relation

User-defined logical relation between two named instances

[in] __itt_id head

Metadata name

[in] __itt_id tail

IDs of two named related instances size_t count

[in] __itt_clock_domain* clock_domain

User-defined clock domain

[in] unsigned long long timestamp

User-defined timestamp for the corresponding clock domain