Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers User Guide

ID 767266
Date 3/15/2023

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Counter API

Counter is a user-defined characteristic or metric of hardware or software behavior that can be used to collect information about and correlate with execution breakdown, such as tasks, events, and markers. For example, it is useful for system on a chip (SoC) development when different counters may represent different parts of the SoC and count some hardware characteristics.

To define and create a counter object, use the following primitives:

__itt_counter ITTAPI __itt_counter_create_typedA __itt_counter_create_typedA(const char *name, const char *domain, __itt_metadata_type type)

__itt_counter ITTAPI __itt_counter_create_typedW __itt_counter_create_typedW(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *domain, __itt_metadata_type type)

Parameters of the primitives:



Counter domain



Counter name



Counter type

To directly set the counter value, use the following primitive:

__itt_counter_set_value(__itt_counter id, void *value_ptr);

Parameters of the primitive:



Counter ID



Counter value

Usage Example

The following example creates a counter that measures temperature and memory usage metrics:

#include "ittnotify.h" __itt_counter temperatureCounter = __itt_counter_create("Temperature", "Domain"); __itt_counter memoryUsageCounter = __itt_counter_create("Memory Usage", "Domain"); unsigned __int64 temperature; while (...) { ... temperature = getTemperature(); __itt_counter_set_value(temperatureCounter, &temperature); __itt_counter_inc_delta(memoryUsageCounter, getAllocatedMemSize()); __itt_counter_dec_delta(memoryUsageCounter, getDeallocatedMemSize()); ... } __itt_counter_destroy(temperatureCounter); __itt_counter_destroy(memoryUsageCounter);