Intel® Fortran Compiler

Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Deploy the COM Server on Another System

This topic only applies to Windows.

When you have finished developing the COM server, you may want to deploy it on another system. Besides the server itself, you need to install the Fortran runtime DLLs and register the server:

  1. Install (or copy) the COM server to an appropriate directory.

  2. Register the server:

    • To register a DLL server, use the REGSVR32.EXE system tool, a command-line tool. To register the DLL server, specify the path to the DLL and its file name (dll_path) by typing the following command:

      REGSVR32 dll_path
    • The file REGSVR32.EXE is in your system directory, such as the \Winnt\System32 on Windows NT* or Windows 2000 systems. If this directory is not in your PATH, include its path before the REGSVR32 command.

    • To register an EXE server, run the server with the /REGSERVER command-line option. For example:

      exe_path /REGSERVER

If you are using Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) based Marshalling or Custom Marshalling, then the marshalling DLL also needs to be installed and registered. For information on marshalling, see Advanced COM Server Topics.