Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler

Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Intel® Compiler Extension Routines to OpenMP*

The Intel® compiler implements the following group of routines as extensions to the OpenMP* runtime library:

  • Get and set the execution environment

  • Get and set the stack size for parallel threads

  • Memory allocation

  • Get and set the thread sleep time for the throughput execution mode

  • Target memory allocation

The Intel® extension routines described in this section can be used for low-level tuning to verify that the library code and application are functioning as intended. These routines are generally not recognized by other OpenMP-compliant compilers, which may cause the link stage to fail in the other compiler. To execute these OpenMP routines, use the /Qopenmp-stubs (Windows*) or -qopenmp-stubs (Linux*) option.

In most cases, environment variables can be used in place of the extension library routines. For example, the stack size of the parallel threads may be set using the OMP_STACKSIZE environment variable rather than the kmp_set_stacksize_s() library routine.


A runtime call to an Intel extension routine takes precedence over the corresponding environment variable setting.

Execution Environment



void kmp_set_defaults(char const *)

Sets OpenMP environment variables defined as a list of variables separated by "|" in the argument.

void kmp_set_library_throughput(void)

Sets execution mode to throughput, which is the default. Allows the application to determine the runtime environment. Use in multi-user environments.

void kmp_set_library_turnaround(void)

Sets execution mode to turnaround. Use in dedicated parallel (single user) environments.

void kmp_set_library_serial(void)

Sets execution mode to serial.

void kmp_set_library(int)

Sets execution mode indicated by the value passed to the function. Valid values are:

  • 1: Serial mode.

  • 2: Turnaround mode.

  • 3: Throughput mode.

Call this routine before the first parallel region is executed.

int kmp_get_library(void)

Returns a value corresponding to the current execution mode:

  • 1: Serial mode.

  • 2: Turnaround mode.

  • 3: Throughput mode.

Stack Size



size_t kmp_get_stacksize_s(void)

Returns the number of bytes that will be allocated for each parallel thread to use as its private stack. This value can be changed with kmp_set_stacksize_s() routine, prior to the first parallel region or via the KMP_STACKSIZE environment variable.

int kmp_get_stacksize(void)

Provided for backwards compatibility only. Use kmp_get_stacksize_s() routine for compatibility across different families of Intel processors.

void kmp_set_stacksize_s(size_tsize)

Sets to size the number of bytes that will be allocated for each parallel thread to use as its private stack. This value can also be set via the KMP_STACKSIZE environment variable. In order for kmp_set_stacksize_s() to have an effect, it must be called before the beginning of the first (dynamically executed) parallel region in the program.

void kmp_set_stacksize(int size)

Provided for backward compatibility only. Use kmp_set_stacksize_s() for compatibility across different families of Intel® processors.

Memory Allocation

The Intel® compiler implements a group of memory allocation routines as an extension to the OpenMP runtime library to enable threads to allocate memory from a heap local to each thread. These routines are: kmp_malloc(), kmp_calloc(), and kmp_realloc().

The memory allocated by these routines must also be freed by the kmp_free() routine. While you can allocate memory in one thread and then free that memory in a different thread, this mode of operation incurs a slight performance penalty.



void* kmp_malloc(size_t size)

Allocates memory block of size bytes from thread-local heap.

void* kmp_calloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize)

Allocates array of nelem elements of size elsize from thread-local heap.

void* kmp_realloc(void* ptr, size_t size)

Reallocates memory block at address ptr and size bytes from thread-local heap.

void* kmp_free(void* ptr)

Frees memory block at address ptr from thread-local heap.

The memory must have been previously allocated with kmp_malloc(), kmp_calloc(), or kmp_realloc().

Thread Sleep Time

In the throughput OpenMP* Support Libraries, threads wait for new parallel work at the ends of parallel regions, and then sleep, after a specified period of time. This time interval can be set by the KMP_BLOCKTIME environment variable or by the kmp_set_blocktime() function.



int kmp_get_blocktime(void)

Returns the number of milliseconds that a thread should wait, after completing the execution of a parallel region, before sleeping, as set either by the KMP_BLOCKTIME environment variable or by kmp_set_blocktime().

void kmp_set_blocktime(int msec)

Sets the number of milliseconds that a thread should wait, after completing the execution of a parallel region, before sleeping. This routine affects the block time setting for the calling thread and any OpenMP team threads formed by the calling thread. The routine does not affect the block time for any other threads.

Target Memory Allocation

Function Description

void *omp_target_alloc_host(size_t size, int device_num)

Returns the address of a storage location that is size bytes in length allocated in host memory. The same pointer may be used to access the memory on the host and all supported devices.If the allocation was not successful, a null pointer is returned.

void *omp_target_alloc_device(size_t size, int device_num)

Returns the address of a storage allocation that is size bytes in length. Device allocations are owned by the device specified by device_num in device memory if present. Generally, the allocation can be accessed only by the device, but may be copied to other device or host allocated memory. If the allocation was not successful, a null pointer is returned.

void *omp_target_alloc_shared(size_t size, int device_num)

Returns the address of a storage allocation that is size bytes in length. The same pointer may be used to access the memory on the host and the specified device. Shared allocations are shared by the host and the specified device, and are intended to migrate between the host and the device. If the allocation was not successful, a null pointer is returned.

void *ompx_target_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, int device_num)

Deallocates the device memory specified with ptr and allocates a new device memory with the specified size in bytes for the given device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed only by the specified device. The contents of the new memory object are the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation up to the minimum size of old allocated size and size argument.

void *ompx_target_realloc_host(void *ptr, size_t size, int device_num)

Deallocates the device memory specified with ptr and allocates a new device memory with the specified size in bytes for the given device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed by the host and all supported devices. The contents of the new memory object are the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation up to the minimum size of old allocated size and size argument.

void *ompx_target_realloc_device(void *ptr, size_t size, int device_num)

Deallocates the device memory specified with ptr and allocates a new device memory with the specified size in bytes for the given device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed only by the specified device. The contents of the new memory object are the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation up to the minimum size of old allocated size and size argument.

void *ompx_target_realloc_shared(void *ptr, size_t size, int device_num)

Deallocates the device memory specified with ptr and allocates a new device memory with the specified size in bytes for the given device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed by the host and the specified device. The contents of the new memory object are the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation up to the minimum size of old allocated size and size argument.

void *ompx_target_aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size, int device_num)

Allocates device memory that is aligned to the specified alignment argument align for the specified device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed only by the specified device.

void *ompx_target_aligned_alloc_host(size_t alignment, size_t size, int device_num)

Allocates device memory that is aligned to the specified alignment argument align for the specified device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed by the host and all supported devices.

void *ompx_target_aligned_alloc_device(size_t alignment, size_t size, int device_num)

Allocates device memory that is aligned to the specified alignment argument align for the specified device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed only by the specified device.

void *ompx_target_aligned_alloc_shared(size_t alignment, size_t size, int device_num)

Allocates device memory that is aligned to the specified alignment argument align for the specified device device_num. The returned memory can be accessed by the host and the specified device.

void *ompx_target_aligned_alloc_shared_with_hint(size_t align, size_t size, int access_hint, int device_num)

Allocates device memory that is aligned to the specified alignment argument align for the specified device device_num with the specified access_hint. The returned memory can be accessed by the host and the specified device. The following named constants are allowed for access_hint:

  • ompx_mem_hint_read_mostly
  • ompx_mem_hint_prefer_device
  • ompx_mem_hint_non_atomic_mostly
  • ompx_mem_hint_cached
  • ompx_mem_hint_uncached

Target Offload

Function Description

int ompx_get_device_info(int devce_num, int info_id, size_t info_size, void *info_value, size_t *info_size_ret)

Returns device information requested by info_id for device_num in the return parameter info_value. When info_value is NULL and info_size is 0, the function returns the correct size of the requested information in info_size_ret. The function returns zero if the query is successful, non-zero value otherwise. The following list shows the allowed named constants for info_id, their expected data types, and short description of the information. The function fails and returns a non-zero value if the requested device information is not available in the backend:

  • ompx_devinfo_ccs_id: int32_t: The compute command streamer (CCS) ID if the device supports it.

  • ompx_devinfo_eu_simd_width: uint32_t: The physical EU SIMD width.

  • ompx_devinfo_eus_per_subslice: uint32_t: The number of EUs per sub-slice.

  • ompx_devinfo_global_mem_cache_size: uint64_t: The cache size in bytes.

  • ompx_devinfo_global_mem_size: uint64_t: The total memory size in bytes available to the device.

  • ompx_devinfo_local_mem_size: uint32_t: The max shared local memory per group in bytes.

  • ompx_devinfo_max_clock_frequency: uint32_t: The max clock frequency in MHz.

  • ompx_devinfo_max_mem_alloc_size: size_t: The max memory allocation size in bytes.

  • ompx_devinfo_name: char *: The device name.

  • ompx_devinfo_num_eus: uint32_t: The total number of EUs.

  • ompx_devinfo_num_slices: uint32_t: The number of slices.

  • ompx_devinfo_num_threads_per_eu: uint32_t: The number of threads per EU.

  • ompx_devinfo_pci_id: uint32_t: The device ID from PCI configuration.

  • ompx_devinfo_plugin_name: char *: The name of the offload backend.

  • ompx_devinfo_subslices_per_slice: uint32_t: The number of sub-slices per slice.

  • ompx_devinfo_tile_id: int32_t: The tile ID if the device supports it.

int ompx_get_num_subdevices(int device_num, int level)

Returns the number of subdevices supported by the specified device ID (device_num) at the given level.

int ompx_target_register_host_pointer(void *ptr, size_t size, int device_num)

Registers the specified host pointer ptr for efficient memory copy between ptr and a device pointer allocated for device_num. The function returns a non-zero value if successful, zero otherwise.

This is only available for Linux.

void ompx_target_unregister_host_pointer(void *ptr, int device_num)

Unregister the specified host pointer ptr.

This is only available for Linux.

int ompx_target_prefetch_shared_mem(size_t num_ptrs, void **ptrs, size_t *sizes, int device_num)

Prefetches shared memory specified in the list of pointers (num_ptrs and ptrs) on the device device_num. The function returns zero if successful, non-zero otherwise.

int ompx_get_device_from_ptr(const void *ptr)

Returns OpenMP device number which the specified device pointer ptr is allocated on. The function returns a valid OpenMP device number if successful, a negative number otherwise.