Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-18728437-120B-4FE5-9344-3E5340F1BB08
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-18728437-120B-4FE5-9344-3E5340F1BB08
The right-most dimension of the work-group used in the SYCL kernel that calls this function may be less than <value of kernel sub-group size attribute>. The function <help function name> may return an unexpected result on the CPU device. Modify the size of the work-group to ensure that the value of the right-most dimension is a multiple of <value of kernel sub-group size attribute>.
Detailed Help
The dpct::select_from_sub_group, dpct::shift_sub_group_left, dpct::shift_sub_group_right, and dpct::permute_sub_group_by_xor functions may return unexpected results when run on a CPU device with an OpenCL™ backend, if the right-most dimension value of the work-group used in the SYCL* kernel that calls these functions is less than the value of the kernel sub-group size attribute. The real sub-group size may not be the value specified by the kernel sub-group size attribute and could cause the helper function to return unexpected results on a CPU device.
Adjust the code by modifying the size of the work-group to ensure that the value of the right-most dimension is a multiple of the kernel sub-group size attribute.
For example, this original CUDA* code:
__global__ void kernel() { ... value = __shfl_down(x, delta); ... } int main() { ... auto GridSize = dim3(2); auto BlockSize = dim3(8, 8, 1); kernel<<<GridSize, BlockSize>>>(); ... }
results in the following migrated code:
void kernel(sycl::nd_item<3> item) { ... value = dpct::shift_sub_group_left(item.get_sub_group(), x, delta); // May return unexpected result on CPU ... } int main() { ... auto GridSize = sycl::range<3>(1, 1, 2); auto BlockSize = sycl::range<3>(1, 8, 8); // Problem: value of the right-most dimension 8 is less than the kernel sub group size attribute 32. queue.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(GridSize * BlockSize, BlockSize), [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item)[[intel::reqd_sub_group_size(32)]] { kernel(item); }); ... }
which is rewritten to:
void kernel(sycl::nd_item<3> item) { ... value = dpct::shift_sub_group_left(item.get_sub_group(), x, delta); ... } int main() { auto GridSize = sycl::range<3>(1, 1, 2); auto BlockSize = sycl::range<3>(1, 2, 32); // Fix: modified work group size to make the right-most dimension to be multiple of the kernel sub group size attribute value, which is 32. queue.parallel_for(sycl::nd_range<3>(GridSize * BlockSize, BlockSize), [=](sycl::nd_item<3> item)[[intel::reqd_sub_group_size(32)]] { kernel(item); }); ... }
Suggestions to Fix
If the program needs to execute on a CPU device, you may need to adjust the code.