What's Included in the Intel® Distribution for Python*

Essential packages optimized for high-performance numerical and scientific computing.

What's Included

The following Python* packages are useful tools for day-to-day scientific and engineering work. You can get all of it by installing standalone distribution. Alternatively, you can install these packages individually into existing Python installation by the following command:

conda install <package-name> -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

Additionally, two convenience metapackages intelpython3_core and intelpython3_full are offered to install a core subset of the following packages or all the following packages respectively:

Install core packages into existing Python installation:

conda install intelpython3_core -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

Install all packages into existing Python installation:

conda install intelpython3_full -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

Package and Environment Managers
Get essential tools for installing, updating, and deleting Python packages and environments.

Data Processing and Modeling Packages
Use these packages in numeric and data science workflows for data collection, ingestion, preprocessing, normalization, transformation, aggregation, and analysis.

Machine Learning Packages
Foundational packages that allow a machine to automatically learn from data without programming it explicitly.

Python Interpreter and Compilers
Use these tools for a versatile interactive experience and to achieve scaled performance.

Advanced Programming Packages
Essential packages that enable fine-grained controls for data management, devices management, concurrency, and parallelism.

Development Packages and Runtimes
Use these runtime packages for enabling performance across Intel-optimized Python packages.

Priority Support
Available through the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit.

Package and Environment Managers

Python* package and environment managers are essential tools for productivity. These allow for installation, updating, and removal of no longer needed packages from the Python environment. They also manage multiple Python environments customized by a user for multiple purposes or needs.





How to Get It


A popular package manager that comes with the Python installation. You do not need to install it separately.

conda Documentation


conda install conda -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

conda install conda -c conda-forge

conda install conda -c main


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A classic Python package manager that comes with the Python installation. You do not need to install it separately.


PIP Documentation

conda install pip -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

conda install pip -c conda-forge

conda install pip -c main


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Data Processing and Modeling

Data processing is an essential part of numerical and data science workflows, and is based on numerical and statistical algorithms. It includes data collection, ingestion, preprocessing, normalization, transformation, aggregation, and analysis. Data analysis serves a basis for modeling of phenomena.





How to Get It


A foundational math library for core operations on N-dimensional arrays, optimized for Intel CPUs through Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL). Optimizations include linear algebra, fast Fourier transform (FFT), universal functions, and random number generators (RNG).

NumPy Documentation


conda install numpy -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple numpy


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A scientific library for numerical integration, interpolation, optimization, linear algebra, and statistics. The Intel-optimized version is based on oneMKL.

SciPy Documentation


conda install scipy -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple scipy


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A lazy evaluation of numerical expressions for NumPy that optimizes memory use and makes use of all available CPU cores. The Intel-optimized version is based on oneMKL.

NumExpr* Documentation



conda install numexpr -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge


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Python interfaces to oneMKL service functions for controlling MKL behavior.

It is not typically necessary to install this package with Intel optimized NumPy, SciPy, or NumExpr because they come with this package. However, it may be needed with other Python packages that rely on oneMKL if fine-grain control is necessary.

mkl_service Readme


conda install mkl-service -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple mkl-service


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Python interfaces to oneMKL FFT functions.

It is not typically necessary to install this package with Intel-optimized NumPy or SciPy because they come with this package. However, it may be needed to directly access MKL FFT interfaces rather than through NumPy or SciPy.

mkl_fft Readme


conda install mkl_fft -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple mkl-fft


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Python interfaces to oneMKL vector math library (VML) functions.

It is not typically necessary to install this package with Intel-optimized NumPy or NumExpr because they come with this package. However, it may be needed to directly access MKL VML interfaces rather than through NumPy or NumExpr.

mkl_umath Readme


conda install mkl_umath -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple mkl-umath


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Python interfaces to oneMKL RNG functions. It is not typically necessary to install this package with Intel-optimized NumPy because it comes with this package. However, it may be needed to directly access MKL RNG interfaces rather than through NumPy.

mkl_random Readme


conda install mkl_random -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple mkl-random


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The Data Parallel Extensions for NumPy library implements a subset of NumPy that can be offloaded to Intel GPUs.

Learn more about Data Parallel Extensions for Python.

dpnp Documentation


conda install dpnp -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple dpnp


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Foundational Machine Learning

Deep learning and machine learning are special models that allow a machine to automatically learn from data without programming it explicitly.

While Intel® Distribution for Python includes a few foundational machine learning packages, AI Tools provides a more comprehensive set of tools for deep learning and machine learning.




How to Get It


A comprehensive set of machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model selection, and preprocessing.

scikit-learn* Documentation


conda install scikit-learn -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install scikit-learn


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Intel® Extension for Scikit-learn* provides scikit-learn like interfaces for Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL).

It is not typically necessary to install Intel Extension for Scikit-learn as it comes with Intel optimized scikit-learn.

You can install the extension with standard scikit-learn to enable Intel optimizations and additional capabilities.

Scikit-learn Dcumentation


conda install scikit-learn-intelex -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install scikit-learn-intelex


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XGBoost is a regularizing gradient boosting framework.

XGBoost Documentation


conda install xgboost -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install xgboost


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Python Interpreter and Compilers

The Python interpreter is the core of a versatile interactive experience with the language. It is expressive, intuitive, and fast enough for interactive usage. It is robust and secure for enterprise installations.

Python compilers are an important addition to the Python interpreter for scaling up Python applications. While initial prototyping work is mostly interactive, in a production setting the Python interpreter may become too slow to process large volumes of data.




How to Get It


A Python interpreter for best interactive experiences. Intel provides a robust and a secure build suitable for production enterprise environments.

Python Documentation

conda install python=[version] -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge


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A just-in-time (JIT) compiler for a subset of Python and NumPy. It can generate highly efficient native code leveraging the latest Intel instructions such as Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (Intel® AVX2) and Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX-512). It is also capable of generating multithreaded code through OpenMP* or oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) that uses all available CPU cores.

Numba* Documentation

conda install numba -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install numba


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Data Parallel Extension for Numba allow compilation of Numba codes to any data parallel device with minimum code changes.


For more information read Data Parallel Extensions for Python.

Data Parallel Extension for Numba Documentation

conda install numba-dpex -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/


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An optimizing static compiler for Python, which is useful in writing C extensions for Python. Unlike Numba, which supports a subset of Python, Cython is a superset of the Python language.


Cython Documentation

conda install cython -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install Cython


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Advanced Programming Packages

These are essential packages that enable fine-grained controls for data management, device management, concurrency, and parallelism.




How to Get It


A library of composable multithreading based on oneTBB. It enables composability of two or more multithreaded modules by using the oneTBB library as a common work scheduler.

oneTBB is a flexible performance library that supports scalable parallel programming using C++ code and is compliant with the ISO C++ standard.


conda install tbb4py -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple tbb4py 

pip install tbb4py


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A library that controls thread affinity and static partitioning. Useful in static multiprocessing (SMP) programs where each process uses multithreaded library. Lack of affinity or partitioning controls provided by SMP leads to quadratic oversubscription of CPU cores by significantly degrading performance.

SMP Readme

conda install smp -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install smp


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A Python binding for MPI. Comes with Intel® MPI Library acceleration.

MPI for Python Documentation

conda install mpi4py -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

python -m pip install mpi4py


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A Data Parallel Control library that helps to manage CPU and GPU devices through Python. It also implements the Python Array API standard.

Learn more about Data Parallel Extensions for Python.

Data Parallel Control Documentation

conda install dpctl -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple dpctl


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Development Packages and Runtimes

Runtime packages are foundational for enabling Python performance. However, if you're a developer of a Python project that relies on built-in Intel libraries, you will also need the related development and runtime packages to ship your project.




How to Get It


A Python package that provides all you need to ship oneMKL with your project.

oneMKL Developer Guide

conda install mkl -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install mkl

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple mkl


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A development package for oneMKL.

oneMKL Developer Guide

conda install mkl-devel -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install mkl-devel



A development package for oneMKL consisting of include files only.

oneMKL Developer Guide

conda install mkl-include -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install mkl-include

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple mkl-dpcpp



A development package for oneMKL consisting of static files only.

oneMKL Developer Guide

conda install mkl-static -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install mkl-static



A Python package that provides all you need to ship oneMKL with your project.

Learn more about Data Parallel Extensions for Python.

oneMKL Developer Guide

conda install mkl-dpcpp -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install mkl-dpcpp

conda install intelpython3_full -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/


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A development package that provides all you need for oneMKL development for SYCL devices.

Learn more about Data Parallel Extensions for Python.

oneMKL Developer Guide

conda install mkl-devel-dpcpp -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install mkl-devel-dpcpp



A Python package that provides all you need to ship oneDAL with your project.

oneDAL Documentation

conda install dal -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install dal

conda install intelpython3_full -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/


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A development package that provides all you need for development with oneDAL.

oneDAL Documentation

conda install -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ dal-devel

pip install dal-devel



A development package that provides oneDAL include files only.

oneDAL Documentation

conda install -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ dal-include

pip install dal-include



A development package that provides oneDAL include files only.

oneDAL Documentation

conda install -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ dal-static

pip install dal-static



Python package that provides all you need to ship Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) with your project.

Intel IPP Developer Reference

conda install ipp -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install ipp

conda install intelpython3_full -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/


A development package that provides all you need for development with Intel IPP.

Intel IPP Developer Reference

conda install ipp-devel -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install ipp-devel


A development package that provides Intel IPP header files only.

Intel IPP Developer Reference

conda install ipp-include -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install ipp-include


A development package that provides Intel IPP header files only.

Intel IPP Developer Reference

conda install ipp-static -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install ipp-static


A Python package that provides all you need to ship oneTBB with your project.

oneTBB Documentation

conda install tbb -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install tbb

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple tbb


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A development package that provides all you need for development with oneTBB.

oneTBB Documentation

conda install tbb-devel -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install tbb-devel



Python package that provides all you need to ship Intel® MPI with your project.

Intel MPI Library Developer Guide

conda install -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ impi_rt

pip install impi-rt

conda install intelpython3_full -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

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A development package that provides all you need for development with Intel® MPI.

Intel MPI Library Developer Guide

conda install -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ impi-devel

pip install impi-devel


A Python package that provides all you need to ship OpenMP* with your project.

OpenMP Development Reference Guide

conda install intel-openmp -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple intel-openmp

pip install intel-openmp

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A Python package that provides all you need to ship OpenCL™ Runtimes with your project.

OpenCL Runtimes for Intel Processors

conda install intel-opencl-rt -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple intel-opencl-rt

pip install intel-opencl-rt

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A Python package that provides all you need to ship your project that has native code compiled with Intel® C and Intel® C++ compilers.

Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

conda install icc_rt -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install icc-rt

conda install intelpython3_full -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

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A Python package that provides all you need to ship your project that has native code compiled with Intel® Fortran Compiler.

Intel Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

conda install intel-fortran-rt -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple intel-fortran-rt

pip install intel-fortran-rt

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A Python package that provides all you need to ship your project and that has native code compiled with Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler.

Learn more about Data Parallel Extensions for Python.


Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

conda install dpcpp-cpp-rt -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/

pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple dpcpp-cpp-rt

pip install dpcpp-cpp-rt

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