Intel® MPI Library - Legacy Documentation

ID 774525
Updated 4/11/2020
Version Latest



Use these links to download older versions of documentation for the Intel® MPI Library.

Note: For current documentation, see Intel® MPI Library Documentation. For legacy documentation for Intel® oneAPI releases, see Downloadable Documentation: Intel® oneAPI Toolkits and Components.

Intel® MPI Library 2019

Intel® oneAPI Releases

Beta 10

  • Developer Guide (No updates)
  • Developer Reference (Linux | Windows)

Beta 04-09

Intel® Parallel Studio XE Releases

Update 10

  • Developer Guide (No updates)
  • Developer Reference (No updates)

Update 9

  • Developer Guide (No updates)
  • Developer Reference (No updates)

Update 8

  • Developer Guide (No updates)
  • Developer Reference (Linux | Windows)

Update 7

  • Developer Guide (Service Release)
  • Developer Reference (Service Release)

Update 6

  • Developer Guide (Linux | Windows)
  • Developer Reference (Linux | Windows)

Update 5

  • Developer Guide (Linux | Windows)
  • Developer Reference (Linux | Windows)

Update 4

  • Developer Guide (Linux | Windows)
  • Developer Reference (Linux | Windows)

Update 3

Update 1

Initial Release

Intel® MPI Library 2018

Update 3 

Update 2

Update 1

Initial Release

Intel® MPI Library 2017

Update 4 

Update 3 

Update 2

Update 1

Initial Release