Colegio Miramadrid Updates Campus Devices

Samsung Chromebooks powered by Intel® Core™ i3 processors supports Colegio Miramadrid student and staff needs.

At a glance:

  • Colegio Miramadrid serves students from pre-school through secondary school with an educational approach that balances tradition with innovation.

  • The school selected Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2 devices, powered by Intel® Core™ i3 processors, which offered the right blend of performance, connectivity, and security to expand with student and educator needs over time at an affordable price.

The power to keep up—that’s what students and educators at Colegio Miramadrid in Spain sought in a device as their computing needs became increasingly complex. By carefully assessing current and future learning activities and evaluating performance options, the Miramadrid team was able to identify the perfect fit—a future-forward technology investment that will expand with student and educator needs.

“We knew we had made the right choice when we saw how pleased with the devices teachers were and heard students’ saying, “Teacher, this Chromebook flies!”—Javier Ferrero Saavedra, Vice-President of the Governing Council,


  • Empower educators with skills and confidence to use technology in new ways to prepare students for the jobs of the future.
  • Support more complex usage models, increased multitasking and collaboration, and changing learning modalities with faster computing, graphics/video, and audio performance.
  • Future proof the school’s technology investment with device performance that will meet students’ and teachers’ needs for at least four years.

Building Skills for the Future by Integrating Technology in the Classroom

Colegio Miramadrid, a charter school in Madrid, Spain, serves students from pre-school through secondary school with an educational approach that balances tradition with innovation. The school focuses on fostering development of 21st century skills for students’ future success. Providing each middle and high school student and each educator with a laptop has long been a key component of Miramadrid’s methodology.

Initially, Miramadrid’s laptops proved a great success, enabling students to focus on their studies and educators on their lesson plans without having to worry about technical barriers. As anticipated, incorporating technology tools into everyday teaching and learning offered opportunities for essential skill-building. Over time, students and educators developed confidence and technical skills.

Outgrowing Their Devices

Something else was also happening over time. In recent years, the pace of change in education—as in the wider world—accelerated. Remote and hybrid learning became more prevalent. Students’ computing needs grew increasingly complex, with multitasking and online collaboration becoming the norm. Amid these changes, Miramadrid educators realized that the existing laptops were no longer sufficiently powerful to meet students or their own computing needs. With school administrators, educators set out to identify a rightsized replacement device that would not only meet current educational requirements but support student learning for the next several years.

Thinking Ahead to Future Proof the New Device Investment

Guided by Samsung and publishing company Edelvives, the Miramadrid team began by assessing current student needs and anticipated learning activities over time. This process helped to ensure that their ultimate device and processor choice would have adequate compute power to grow along with their students. While infrastructure needs such as manageability, security, and connectivity are always high priority, the team understood from their own experience the value of being prepared with devices capable of running the more complex workloads that will be integrated into the curriculum as students progress in school.

The multitude of complex workloads student's devices need to run over a four year life cycle. This includes programming and coding, digital content creation, data science, modeling and simulation, and AI and machine learning.

With priorities identified, the team then informed themselves about the many different device and processor options. Aware of Intel® processor-based notebooks’ reputation for fast processing speeds, excellent ability to multitask across applications without disruptions, and impressive video quality, they quickly homed in on devices with Intel® Core™ processor SKUs for education. Education SKUs from Intel are optimized for specific device types—notebooks, Chromebooks, 2-in-1s, and other small form factor devices. For their purposes, the Miramadrid team determined that the Intel Core i3 processors would be a good fit. The group agreed that choosing Chromebooks, with their relatively familiar form factor, would make the most sense.

Maximizing Value

With the universe of choices narrowed, Edelvives—a publisher and computer reseller—stepped in with a financing offer, enabling Miramadrid to balance their need for faster processing power with the reality of budget constraints. Edelvives’ lease agreement calls for fixed installment payments, at a reasonable interest rate, for new Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2 devices, powered by Intel Core i3 processors, with a QLED screen. The Intel Core i3 processors offered the right blend of performance, connectivity, and security to expand with student and educator needs over time at an affordable price point. By thinking ahead, the Miramadrid team—with help from Samsung and Edelvives—extended the life span of their new devices, making a future-forward technology investment that will deliver value for the next several years.

image of Galaxy Chromebook 2 in red

Building Skills and Mindsets for Future Success

Today, remote teams of Miramadrid students create presentations together while meeting online via Google Meet. The responsiveness of the new Intel Core i3 processor-powered Samsung Galaxy Chromebooks enables uninterrupted learning and multitasking while giving students hands-on experience with current technology tools. Students, educators, and administrators agree that the new Chromebook is the right device for Miramadrid.

students at Miramadrid using Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2s in a classroom.

Colegio Miramadrid strives to find the best technologies to meet our educational goals, and we are confident that there is no better fit for our current needs than the Samsung Galaxy Chromebook with Intel Core i3 processor.

We thank Intel, Samsung, Google, and Edelvives for their help and collaboration throughout the process.

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