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Enterprise PC Image Deployment: Stability and IT Reliability

Ensure stability, availability, and IT reliability for future growth.1 2 3

Features for a Stable PC Platform:

  • Devices on Intel vPro® Enterprise are covered by the Intel® Stable IT Platform Program (Intel® SIPP), designed to ensure long-term IT reliability and compatibility for business-class systems.

  • The Intel® Stable IT Platform Program (Intel® SIPP) puts IT in the driver’s seat by minimizing platform component and driver updates for at least 15 months or until the next generational release.

  • Intel vPro® Enterprise gives IT control over PC life cycle management, providing IT and end users with the stability and reliability of a true business-class device.

More-Efficient PC Imaging on a Stable Platform

PC image deployment can be challenging because of frequent driver updates and incompatibilities that require retesting and validation. IT teams can overcome these challenges with a PC platform that assures stability based on extensively tested and verified components with limited updates over a period of time. A stable, validated platform makes it effortless to manage life cycle complexities, reduce incident count, and experience flexible transitions to new technologies, helping ensure the continuity of business operations.

Challenges in PC Management and Imaging

Managing a business PC fleet has become more complex, due to the sheer volume of software updates and driver incompatibilities involved in today’s IT environment. This can cause challenges with PC imaging in particular.

PC imaging, or system imaging, helps IT teams rapidly set up and configure multiple PC form factors for users. An image requires extensive system testing and validation to ensure driver compatibility and that applications work properly. Qualification like this can be lengthy and involved, requiring a lot of planning ahead of a PC rollout.

Frequent driver and software updates mean retesting to validate updated configurations. IT teams also must schedule and deploy a new rollout, which can be disruptive to employees. With stability out of the box, Intel vPro® Enterprise gives IT control over the PC management life cycle and delivers the latest platform technologies in one integrated and validated solution.

Benefits of a Stable Platform

Having a reliable platform designed to scale for future growth helps businesses avoid the network or software compatibility problems that may arise when deploying less stable computing infrastructure. Stable platforms also give users peace of mind, knowing they can expect their PCs to perform well for years, with minimal downtime or disruption.