Intel Innovation  |  March 2009
Intel Technologies Address the Leading Cause of Death
for Women in the U.S.

One in three adult women has some form of cardiovascular disease, making it the leading cause of death for women in the U.S. As the population continues to age, the numbers of women suffering from cardiovascular and other chronic diseases is only expected to increase.

Intel is delivering innovative leaps ahead in digital technologies to help address the serious health and economic burdens caused by chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease. Not only can it improve health outcomes, Intel technology has the potential to lower health care costs.

A great example of this is the Intel Health Guide, an in-home medical device for managing chronic conditions, such as heart disease. The Intel Health Guide enables caregivers to provide their patients with more personalized care at home, while also engaging and empowering patients to take a more active and positive role in their own care.

Intel shares the vision of many healthcare leaders who recognize technology’s potential to evolve health care toward more proactive, consumer-centric models of care as well as the potential to improve the quality, cost and accessibility of healthcare services. In homes and hospitals, clinics and pharmacies, Intel collaborates with health care leaders to better connect people and information, and enables new models of care.

By helping individuals, families, and the extended health care community connect to the right information at the right time, Intel hopes to empower them to make better, more informed decisions — and accelerate the ability to radically improve health and healthcare.

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