With the Synopsys® Design Constraint (SDC) command create_generated_clock, you can create arbitrary numbers and depths of generated clocks. This is useful in the following scenarios. See Figures 1 and 2.
The SDC commands below constrain the clocks in the above circuit.
#Constrain the base clock
create_clock -add -period 10.000 \
-waveform { 0.000 5.000 } \
-name clock_name \
[get_ports clock]
#Constrain the divide by 2 register clock
create_generated_clock -add -source clock \
-name div2clock \
-divide_by 2 \
-master_clock clock_name \
[get_pins div2reg|regout]
Download example circuit create_generated_clock_ex1.qar.
The use of this design is governed by, and subject to, the terms and conditions of the Intel® Design Example License Agreement.
The SDC commands below constrain the clocks in the above circuit.
#Constrain the base clock
create_clock -add -period 10.000 \
-waveform { 0.000 5.000 } \
-name clock_name \
[get_ports clock]
#Constrain the output clock clock
create_generated_clock -add -source PLL_inst|inclk[0] \
-name PLL_inst|clk[1] \
-multiply_by 2 \
-master_clock clock_name \
[get_pins PLL_inst|clk[1]]
Download example circuit create_generated_clock_pll.qar.
The use of this design is governed by, and subject to, the terms and conditions of the Intel Design Example License Agreement.