Beginning with version 4.1 of the Quartus® II software, you can create your own custom report panels in the Compilation Report in the Quartus® II GUI. Beginning with version 4.2, you can direct the output from the report_timing command to a report panel. Beginning with version 5.0, you can create custom folders for your custom report panels. In versions earlier than 5.0, you can create custom report panels only in existing report folders.
If you're not familiar with report panels, refer to the Report Panel Overview page.
Working with Custom Report Panels
Follow these general steps to create custom report panels.
Create a report panel if it does not already exist. If it does exist, you can append data to the panel. You must delete the panel and add rows again if you want to change the data.
Insert rows of data in the custom panel. When you insert rows, they are automatically inserted sequentially; you cannot insert rows out of order.
Save the changes to the report database.
The following code provides a basic example of creating custom report panels. It works in version 4.1 and later of the Quartus® II software.
load_package report project_open chiptrip load_report # Set panel name and id set panel "Fitter||My Table" set id [get_report_panel_id $panel] # Check if specified panel exists. Delete it if yes. if {$id != -1} { delete_report_panel -id $id } # Create the specified panel and get its id set id [create_report_panel -table $panel] # Add Timing Analyzer Summary to it add_row_to_table -id $id {{Name} {Value}} add_row_to_table -id $id {{Number of Registers} {100}} # Save the changes to the report database save_report_database unload_report project_close
For an example of a script that creates a custom report panel, see the Non-Default Global Assignment Report page.