Verilog HDL: Creating a Hierarchical Design

This example describes how to create a hierarchical design using Verilog HDL. This design is identical to the VHDL, AHDL and schematic hierarchy examples. The file top_ver.v is the top level, which calls the two lower level files bottom1.v and bottom2.v.

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top_ver.v module top_ver (q, p, r, out); input q, p, r; output out; reg out, intsig; bottom1 u1(.a(q), .b(p), .c(intsig)); bottom2 u2(.l(intsig), .m(r), .n(out)); endmodule


module bottom1(a, b, c); input a, b; output c; reg c; always begin c<=a & b; end endmodule


module bottom2(l, m, n); input l, m; output n; reg n; always begin n<=l | m; end endmodule