Nios® II Hardware Development Design Example



The Nios II hardware development tutorial introduces you to the system development flow for the Nios II processor. The design example accompanying this tutorial serves as a basic starting block for you to build a system as shown in Figure 1. Using the Intel® Quartus® Prime or Quartus II software and the Nios II Embedded Design Suite (EDS), you can build a Nios II hardware system design and create a software program that runs on the Nios II system and interfaces with components on Intel® FPGA development boards.

Hardware Design Specifications

  • Nios II/s core with JTAG debug module
  • Timer
  • LED parallel I/Os (PIOs)
  • System ID peripheral
  • On-chip RAM

Figure 1.

Using This Design Example

To run this example, download the and unzip it to your hard drive. Then, follow these instructions in the application note below:

The use of this design is governed by, and subject to, the terms and conditions of the Intel® Design Example License Agreement.

Related Links

For more information on Nios II processor hardware, go to: