Article ID: 000098428 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 06/13/2024

Why does the Synopsys VCS* simulator produce incorrect simulation results for Agilex™ 5 FPGAs?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    Critical Issue


    Agilex™ 5 FPGAs do not support the Synopsys VCS* two-step flow (compile and elaborate in one step and simulate in the next step). You might see incorrect simulation results when simulating a multi-IP design with Synopsys VCS simulator if you specify all IP and Quartus® simulation library source files using a single VCS command line, run_vcs.


    Follow these steps to use Synopsys VCS* simulator with VCS MX flow:

    1. Create design libraries using the mkdir command
    2. Compile all IP and Quartus® simulation library source files into their respective libraries using vlogan or vhdlan commands
    3. Elaborate the top-level design using the vcs command without specifying the source files compiled in Step 2
    4. Simulate your design using the generated simv executable file

    The above steps are sometimes referred to as VCS or VCS MX three-step flow (compile in one step, elaborate in the next step, and simulate in the final step).

    Refer to the Platform Designer generated VCS MX simulation setup script (/synopsys/vcsmx/ for the information on which library files to be compiled, command examples, and command arguments.

    If you were previously using the Platform Designer generated VCS simulation setup script (/synopsys/vcs/, switch to using the Platform Designer generated VCS MX simulation setup script (/synopsys/vcsmx/

    Refer to Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation for more guidelines on incorporating the generated Synopsys VCS MX simulation scripts for use in a top-level project simulation setup script.