To create a BSP setting file using the niosv-bsp command, for the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software, use the .qsys file as the input file, but for the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Software, use the sopcinfo file as the input file.
niosv-bsp command in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software:
niosv-bsp -c --quartus-project=hw/top.qpf --qsys=hw/sys.qsys \
--type=<hal or ucosii> sw/bsp_custom/settings.bsp
niosv-bsp command in the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Software:
niosv-bsp -c --sopcinfo=hw/sys.sopcinfo \
--type=<hal or ucosii> sw/bsp_custom/settings.bsp
The Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook (version 23.4 and later) adds such clear information.