Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 23.2, device programming will fail for the F-Tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP Design Example when targeting the following Development kits:
DK-SI-AGI027FA (Power Solution 2: Not Intel® Enpirion® power solution)
DK-SI-AGI027FC (Power Solution 2: Not Intel® Enpirion® power solution)
To work around this problem, change the VID settings within the design example's .QSF file. The correct VID settings can be obtained from section 6.1 Add SmartVID Settings in the Intel® Quartus® Prime QSF file of the Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit User Guide found here: add-smartvid-settings-in-the-qsf-file.html
The correct VID settings are:
set_global_assignment -name USE_PWRMGT_SCL SDM_IO0
set_global_assignment -name USE_PWRMGT_SDA SDM_IO12
set_global_assignment -name USE_CONF_DONE SDM_IO16
set_global_assignment -name VID_OPERATION_MODE "PMBUS MASTER"
set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_BUS_SPEED_MODE "100 KHZ"
set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_SLAVE_DEVICE_TYPE LTC3888
set_global_assignment -name NUMBER_OF_SLAVE_DEVICE 1
set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_SLAVE_DEVICE0_ADDRESS 62
set_global_assignment -name PWRMGT_LINEAR_FORMAT_N "-12"
Ensure that no similar settings with different values exist in the QSF file.
This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future release of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software.