The default Synopsys simulation script generated by Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.4 and earlier cannot be used to simulate the HPS for Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA devices, due to Synopsys simulation setup script does not compile all the necessary libraries for HPS AXI BFMs.
Edit the Synopsys simulation script generated for Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software by adding the following code lines:
echo "Use Direct Programming Interface (DPI)"
ELAB_OPTIONS="$ELAB_OPTIONS -debug_access+r+w+nomemcbk"
export QUESTA_MVC_GCC_LIB="${MENTOR_VIP_AE}/common/questa_mvc_core/linux_x86_64_gcc-6.2.0_vcs"
export LDFLAGS="-L ${QUESTA_MVC_GCC_LIB} -Wl,-rpath ${QUESTA_MVC_GCC_LIB} -laxi4_IN_SystemVerilog_VCS_full_DVC"
The code must be added before the "# add device library elaboration and simulation properties " section
This problem is fixed starting with the intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 23.1