Due to a problem in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 23.1, the readme files (readme.txt in the main Quartus® project directory and under reg_readme) for the Agilex™ 7 - Nios® V/m EMIF Data Mover Design includes incorrect commands for creating the BSP, building the software sources and downloading the .elf file. The design may not print anything after loading the .elf file to the board.
To work around this problem in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 23.1, refer to the corrected set of commands below:
- Agilex™ 7 - Nios® V/m EMIF Data Mover Design
c. Creating the bsp, build software sources, and download elf
- To create software app with HAL OS, run the following commands in the terminal:
> niosv-bsp -c --quartus-project=hw/<>.qpf --qsys=hw/<>.qsys --type=hal --script=sw/bsp-update-linker-niosv-ocm-emif.tcl sw/bsp/settings.bsp
> niosv-app --bsp-dir=sw/bsp --app-dir=sw/app --srcs=sw/app/<>.c
> cmake -S ./sw/niosv_app -B sw/niosv_app/build
> make -C sw/app/build
d. Hardware Validation
- Program the generated sof and then download the elf file on the board
> quartus_pgm --cable=1 -m jtag -o 'p;ready_to_test/<top_level_entity_name>.sof'
- Download the elf file on the board
> niosv-download -g ready_to_test/<>.elf -c 1
- Verify the output on the terminal by using the following command in the terminal:
> juart-terminal -c 1 -i 0