Article ID: 000093691 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 05/19/2023

Can I use wildcard characters in my Quartus Settings File (QSF) IP_COLOCATE assignment for Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA F-Tile devices?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    No, you cannot use wildcard characters in your QSF IP_COLOCATE assignment for Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA F-Tile devices.


    Wildcard characters used in the IP_COLOCATE and IP_RECONFIG QSF assignments will result in the assignments being ignored and the Intel® Quartus® Logic Generation stage failing. The error will be similar to the following if using wildcard characters in your QSF assignment.


    set_instance_assignment -name IP_COLOCATE F_TILE -from dr_dut|dr_f_0 -to dut*|directphy_f_dr_0 -entity dphy_dr_ed

    set_instance_assignment -name IP_RECONFIG_ID 1 -to dut*|directphy_f_dr_0 -entity dphy_dr_ed


    Warning: Ignored IP_RECONFIG_ID assignment to dut*|directphy_f_dr_0 as it is not an IP instance

    Warning: Cannot assign IP_RECONFIG_ID 0 to IP dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_base_profile|directphy_f_0, and the IP will be given a random id instead

    Warning: Ignored IP_COLOCATE assignment from dr_dut|dr_f_0 to dut*|directphy_f_dr_0 as they are not both IP instances

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_base_profile|directphy_f_0

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile1|sec_profile_1

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile2|sec_profile_2

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile3|sec_profile_3

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile4|sec_profile_4

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile5|sec_profile_5

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile6|sec_profile_6

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile7|sec_profile_7

    Error: Cannot find reconfiguration controller for IP instance dut|directphy_f_dr_0|U_sec_profile8|sec_profile_8


    To solve this problem, use the full exact path for your assignment. Follow this example:

    set_instance_assignment -name IP_COLOCATE F_TILE -from dr_dut|dr_f_0 -to dut|directphy_f_dr_0 -entity dphy_dr_ed

    set_instance_assignment -name IP_RECONFIG_ID 1 -to dut|directphy_f_dr_0 -entity dphy_dr_ed

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