The Intel® Stratix® 10 SX SoC Development Kit is populated with the following non-volatile memories, which can be used to store user data:
Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA memory, OOBE Daughter Card, NAND Flash Daughter Card, HPC Boot and FPGA Flash Cards: HPC and FPGA Micro SD, HPC and FPGA QSPI, HPC and FPGA eMMC.
Other non-volatile memories are only used to store configuration data, and they are not accessible to store user data.
To access and erase the Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA memory, use the Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer and set SW1 and SW2 to the following settings:
SW1[1..8]: off, off, on, on, on, on, on, on
SW2[1..4]: on, on, on, on
The OOBE Daughter Card presents an SD card socket from which the HPS can boot and store data. Since this memory is external, the card can be wiped with a PC separately, for example, using ‘dd’ from Linux.
To ensure access to the daughter card powering it, SW4 should be set up from bit 1 to bit 4 as “on, off, on, off.”
The NAND Flash Daughter Card presents NAND and eMMC. Both can be accessed by running U-Boot with the debugger from the command line.
To run it, follow the instructions here:
After the U-Boot starts running on the HPS, stop the U-Boot counter by pressing any key on the serial console.
To erase the NAND, run the following instruction:
nand erase
To erase the eMCC, run the following:
mmc erase
To ensure access to the daughter card powering it, SW4 should be set up from bit 1 to bit 4 as “on, off, on, off.”
The HPC cards can be used for booting and mass storage of the HPC. The FPGA cards are used to store and load user design configurations. To ensure access to the daughter cards, they must be powered by setting SW4 from bit 1 to bit 4 as “on, off, on, off.”
- HPC and FPGA Micro SD support a 4-bit Micro SD Card presenting a Micro SD card socket. Since this memory is external, the card can be wiped with a PC separately.
- HPC and FPGA QSPI, these cards support a 2 Gb density QSPI NOR Flash manufactured by Micron. The Programmer can access this memory. If the Flash is not present in the JTAG chain right, click on the Intel Stratix 10 and select “Change File,” and then select a .jic file.
- HPC and FPGA eMMC these cards support an 8-bit eMMC Flash manufactured by Micron. The Programmer can access this memory. If the Flash is not present in the JTAG chain right, click on the Intel Stratix 10 and select “Change File,” and then select a .pof file.