Due to a problem in In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software versions 22.2 and earlier, you might observe the F-tile Reference and System PLL clocks Intel® FPGA IP fails to lock at:
- 999.9 MHz with the reference clock frequency set as 323.2 MHz.
- 506.88 MHz with the reference clock frequency set as 245.76 MHz.
To work around this problem, you need to do the following steps:
- In the project navigator, double-click the OPN (ordering part number).
- In the pop-out window, click the “Device and Pin Options” button.
- In the “General” category, change the “Configuration clock source” parameter from “Internal Oscillator” to:
- 100 MHz OSC_CLK_1 pin, or
- 125 MHz OSC_CLK_1 pin
- Recompile the design.
- Provide an external reference clock with the correct frequency to the OSC_CLK_1 pin. The “OSC_CLK_1” pin location can be found in the schematics of your development kit.
Note: for Intel Agilex® F-tile devices with OPNs that end with the suffix VR0, VR1, and VR2, you need to use Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer version 21.4 to get the above workarounds working.