Due to a problem in the External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP, the simulation of the example design might fail when you set the calibration mode to full calibration.
To work around this problem, follow the steps below:
- Open the file <path to the generated example design>/sim/ip/ed_sim/ed_sim_emif_cal/altera_emif_cal_iossm_261/sim/ed_sim_emif_cal_altera_emif_cal_iossm_261_*_arch.sv.
- Find the tennm_iossm instantiation in the file.
- Change the value of the parameter iossm_use_model to 0, or add a new parameter iossm_use_model with a value of 0 if this parameter does not exist.
- The parameter section of io_ssm should now look like this:
tennm_iossm # (
.nios_ver (SEQ_GPT_NIOS_C_VER),
.col_id (SEQ_GPT_COLUMN_ID),
.num_iopacks (SEQ_GPT_NUM_IOPACKS),
.slave_clk_divider (SEQ_GPT_SLAVE_CLK_DIVIDER),
.parameter_table_hex_file (REMAP_IOSSM_GPT_HEX_FILENAME),.abstract_phy ("false"),
.iossm_sim_clk_period_ps (IOSSM_SIM_NIOS_PERIOD_PS),
.nios_calibration_code_hex_file (IOSSM_CODE_HEX_FILENAME),
.iossm_use_model (0)
) io_ssm (
- The parameter section of io_ssm should now look like this:
- Start the simulation again.