Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.3, when performing the hardware testing of the F-tile Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP design example, you might see the service master path of sysconsole_testbench.tcl is no longer valid.
The following errors might occur:
% source sysconsole_testbench.tcl
error: claim_service: Path cannot be found
while executing
"claim_service master $master_path mylib"
(procedure "claim_master_path" line 15)
invoked from within
"source sysconsole_testbench.tcl"
To work around this error, you might need to follow the steps below:
- Replace the "jtag_phy" with "jtag_master" in the following line of the sysconsole_testbench.tcl:
if { [regexp .*jtag_phy* $master_name] } {
- After the modification, source the sysconsole_testbench.tcl again.
This problem is fixed in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.4.