When you build the BMC project of Intel® Open FPGA Stack (Intel® OFS) for Intel Agilex® FPGA, you might encounter the following errors:
Error (12006): Node instance "pfl_ii_inst" instantiates undefined entity "pfl_ii". Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation. If this entity represents Intel FPGA or third-party IP, generate the synthesis files for the IP.
Error (12006): Node instance "max10_qsys_inst" instantiates undefined entity "max10_qsys". Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation. If this entity represents Intel FPGA or third-party IP, generate the synthesis files for the IP.
Error (12006): Node instance "i2cm" instantiates undefined entity "svid_i2c_master". Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly, define the specified entity, or change the instantiation. If this entity represents Intel FPGA or third-party IP, generate the synthesis files for the IP.
To work around this problem, you should use the script build.sh to compile the project. The script is provided in the <path to cloned repository>/scripts folder.
Refer to section 7.0 Procedure for Building MAX® 10 BMC Images of Board Management Controller Developer Guide: Intel Open FPGA Stack for Intel Agilex® FPGA FPGA for detailed usage of this script.