Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.2, the scripts provided in the F-Tile Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP Designs with Precision Time Protocol (PTP) can show incorrect Tx or Rx UI values.
To work around this problem, perform the following steps:
- Open the PTP firmware script located at <generated example design folder>/hardware_test_design/hwtest/altera/ptp/ptp_fw.tcl
- Find and replace the following lines of code:
- FROM set tx_tam_cnt [format 0x%X [expr [expr $rd_data & 0x3FFF0000] >> 16]]
- TO set tx_tam_cnt [format 0x%X [expr [expr $rd_data & 0x7FFF0000] >> 16]]
- FROM set rx_tam_cnt [format 0x%X [expr [expr $rd_data & 0x3FFF0000] >> 16]]
- TO set rx_tam_cnt [format 0x%X [expr [expr $rd_data & 0x7FFF0000] >> 16]
- FROM set tx_tam_cnt_delta_max 32767
- TO set tx_tam_cnt_delta_max 32768
- FROM set rx_tam_cnt_delta_max 32767
- TO set rx_tam_cnt_delta_max 32768
Save the file
This problem has been fixed starting in version 22.3 of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software.