In the Intel® Quartus® Prime® Pro Edition Software version 21.3 or earlier, you might see the internal error below when you use the output clock from the IOPLL Intel® FPGA IP to drive an F2SDRAM atom of the Intel® Arria® 10 Hard Processor System which should be driven by an LCELL in the core.
Internal Error: Sub-system: CDB_ATOM, File: /quartus/db/cdb_atom/cdb_atom_sys.cpp, Line: 1808
DATAA is not supported for NIGHTFURY_IOPLL.
Internal Error: Sub-system: CDB_ATOM, File: /quartus/db/cdb_atom/cdb_atom_sys.cpp, Line: 2163
DATAA is not supported for NIGHTFURY_IOPLL.
Do not use IOPLL to drive any IP or logic atoms that require a data port, because IOPLL has none of it.
There is no planned fix for this problem.