Article ID: 000091129 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 08/09/2023

Why might the Intel® Stratix® 10 L- and H-Tile Transceiver Toolkit crash when running long PMA Autosweep runs when the RX CTLE, VGA, and DFE Adaption mode is set to Auto?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • L-Tile H-Tile Transceiver Native PHY Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP

    Due to the shared Intel® Stratix® 10 L- and H-Tile Native PHY IP Avalon Memory Mapped (AVMM) Interface bus, the Transceiver Toolkit may crash with long PMA Autosweep runs when the RX Adaption mode is set to “Adaptive CTLE, Adaptive VGA, All-Tap Adaptive DFE”.

    The L- and H-Tile Native PHY IP AVMM bus is shared between multiple masters which include: User logic, NPDME (Transceiver Toolkit), PreSICE, streamer, configuration registers, reconfiguration capability and control.

    The NPDME (Transceiver Toolkit) and RX Adaptive engine both require access to the AVMM interface. Long Autosweep runs, increase the possibility of an AVMM access clash, and subsequent Transceiver Toolkit crash.


    To work around this problem, you can reduce your Autosweep runs or select static modes for the RX PMA, such as “Manual CTLE, Manual VGA, DFE Off” or “Adaptive CTLE, Adaptive VGA, DFE Off”.

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