Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.1, the VHDL design example implementation of the F-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite Intel® IP fails to simulate correctly.
The Cadence® Xcellium simulator will generate warnings related to the dr_cpu_ctrl_inst module containing text similar to that shown below:
Attempted propagation of defparam results to a non-Verilog instance
To work around this problem in simulation, edit the run_xcelium.sh file to add a new -generic switch to force and set the dr_cpu_ctrl DMEM_INIT_FILE with the correct *_combined mif file generated from QTLG flow.
Note: Ensure that the correct mif file name has been used only after the Quartus Support-logic Generation stage has run.
An example of the required assignment is shown below:
xmelab -relax -timescale '1 ps / 1 ps' -access +rwc -generic "basic_avl_tb_top.eth_f_hw.dr_dut:dr_f_0.dr_cpu_ctrl_inst:DMEM_INIT_FILE => \"eth_f_hw__combined_z1577a_x0_y166_n0.mif\"" basic_avl_tb_top
This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future release of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software.