Critical Issue
Due to a problem in Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Software version 18.0 or earlier, when two partitions are compiled in two different projects with and, and are reused using the QDB_FILE_PARTITION assignment into a third project with you will see the following Internal Error because of the overlapping row clock region:
Internal Error: Sub-system: VPR20KMAIN, File: /quartus/fitter/vpr20k/altera_arch_common/altera_arch_re_network_routing_constraints.cpp
The three top-level files,, and are from 3 different designs, and each design is different in terms of periphery interfaces, design blocks used, etc. So, the developer project (projects with and, where the partitions are initially compiled and exported from, does not have comprehensive information about the consumer project (a project with where the two exported partitions are reused.
- A clock sector is defined by the green box in Figure. 1
- A row clock region is a half-clock sector-wide and one LAB row tall represented by the red dotted box in Figure. 1
- In a consumer project, when two reused partitions overlap in this region, you will see the above Internal Error
To work around this problem, use logic lock regions in the developer project to avoid having two reused partitions occupy the same row clock region in the consumer project.
For example:
- From the consumer project where the two partitions will be reused, determine the approximate placement of the yellow and purple partitions. Choose the logic lock constraints for the two partitions such that there is no overlap of the row clock region.
- In the developer project, with the, use logic lock region constraints identified from the consumer project for the purple partition, followed by compilation and export of the partition at the final stage.
- In the developer project, with the, use logic lock region constraints identified from the consumer project for the yellow partition, followed by compilation and export of the partition at the final stage.
- The exported partitions, when reused in the consumer project, with the, will maintain the placement defined in the developer projects using nonoverlapping logic lock constraints.
This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future version of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Software.