Critical Issue
The frequency of coreclkout
is reported incorrectly
for the Stratix V Hard IP for PCI Express IP Core when the ATX PLL
is used in Gen1 devices. The Quartus II software reports a frequency
for coreclkout
that is one half the actual frequency.
The workaround is to add the following Synopsys Design Constraint
(SDC) for coreclkout:
create_clock -period <half of the Timequest-reported
period> [get_pins {*|altpcie_hip_256_pipen1b|stratixv_hssi_gen3_pcie_hip|observablecoreclkdiv}]
For example, if TimeQuest reports a 16 ns clock, the SDC is:
create_clock -period 8.000 [get_pins {*|altpcie_hip_256_pipen1b|stratixv_hssi_gen3_pcie_hip|observablecoreclkdiv}]